
torch [tɔ:tʃ]  [tɔ:rtʃ] 





torch 基本解释

名词手电筒; 火把,火炬


torch 相关例句


1. We will hand on the torch which he has handed to us.

2. He used a torch to see into the dark cupboard.

3. The torch was lighted.

torch 网络解释

1. 火把:然后购买一个火把(torch)和一把有点象瑞士军刀的盗贼小刀(pickpocketknife),后者会使主人公的盗窃技能增加100点. 记住:讨价还价是在你购买任何道具时一定要做的,除非你是个挥金如土的富翁(冤大头?).

2. 手电筒:以traveling场景为例,关于旅行服饰中的词汇步行靴(walking boots)、夹克衫(jacket),旅行装备中的急救箱(first-aid kit)、手电筒(torch),交通工具中的四轮驱动(four-wheel drive),旅游目的地中的热带雨林(rain forest)、乡村(village)、瀑布(waterfall)等都应该会拼写.

3. 喷灯:3.用沥青砂胶(ASPHALT MASTlC)粘连防水布(SHEET)的连接部位,并进行加固涂抹-一般防水布(SHEET)的连接部位使用喷灯(TORCH)进行热融粘合,这时沥青混合物(ASPHALT COMPOUND)容易产生酸化,导致水密性弱化,而引起接缝部位的开裂.

torch 词典解释

1. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

1. 手电筒
    A torch is a small electric light which is powered by batteries and which you can carry in your hand.

in AM, use 美国英语用 flashlight

2. torch什么意思

2. 火把;火炬
    A torch is a long stick with burning material at one end, used to provide light or to set things on fire.

    e.g. They lit a torch and set fire to the chapel's thatch.
    e.g. …a torch-lit march for peace.

3. torch是什么意思

3. 吹管;喷灯;氧乙炔炬
    A torch is a device that produces a hot flame and is used for tasks such as cutting or joining pieces of metal.

    e.g. The gang worked for up to ten hours with acetylene torches to open the vault.

4. 纵火焚烧;放火烧
    If someone torches a building or vehicle, they set fire to it deliberately.

    e.g. The rioters torched the local library...
    e.g. Cars and trucks have been torched, bottles and bricks thrown.

5. 暗恋;对…单相思
    If you say that someone is carrying a torch for someone else, you mean that they secretly admire them or love them.

    e.g. He has always carried a torch for Barbara.

6. (为…)奋战;(为…)奋斗
    If you say that someone is carrying the torch of a particular belief or movement, you mean that they are working hard to ensure that it is not forgotten and continues to grow stronger.

    e.g. This group aims to carry the torch for the millions who demonstrated and the thousands who died...
    e.g. Since his death in 1985 his widow has carried the torch of his Stalinist legacy.
           自从他 1985 年去世以来,他的遗孀一直致力于保存和发扬他的斯大林主义遗产。

torch 单语例句

1. An evangelical pastor insisted his plans to torch the Quran would go ahead after US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton condemned the act as " disgraceful ".

2. Much of the torch's route in coming days goes through predominantly Irish Catholic turf, home to IRA extremists still committed to overthrowing Northern Ireland by force.

3. Zhang revealed that he had also won the bid for the symbol of torch relay, which is expected to made public soon by BOCOG.

4. torch

4. You prepare Yi ethnic minority torch shrimp yourself by holding marinated shrimps wrapped in foil paper over fire on plates paved with salt.

5. Actions speak louder than words, however the words of Olympic torch hero Jin Jing trumpeted louder than her brave deeds.

6. torch

6. The organizers are planning to stage another rally in the Australian capital of Canberra when the Olympic torch arrives there on April 24.

7. It passed on the Olympic torch to London last night, with hope that the legacy will be carried forward.

8. 911查询·英语单词

8. The torch will carry on and the journey will educate the over a billion Chinese people about the world and the world about China.

9. torch是什么意思

9. Thirty torchbearers will pass the torch on the water and 47 relay will carry it in the Palace.

10. " It's was great honor to carry the torch and light the cauldron, " Pang said.

torch 英英释义



1. torch是什么意思

1. a burner that mixes air and gas to produce a very hot flame

    Synonym: blowtorch blowlamp

2. 911查询·英语单词

2. a small portable battery-powered electric lamp

    Synonym: flashlight

3. a light usually carried in the hand
    consists of some flammable substance

4. torch

4. tall-stalked very woolly mullein with densely packed yellow flowers
    ancient Greeks and Romans dipped the stalks in tallow for funeral torches

    Synonym: common mullein great mullein Aaron's rod flannel mullein woolly mullein Verbascum thapsus


1. burn maliciously, as by arson

    e.g. The madman torched the barns