
tore [tɔ:(r)]  [tɔr] 







tore 基本解释

动词撕碎; 撕( tear的过去式 ); (使)分裂; 扯破

tore 网络解释


1. 特勒:Topsham 托普瑟姆 | Tore 特勒 | Tornio 托尔尼奥

2. 扯破:torchy 感伤恋歌的 | tore 扯破 | toreador pants 女用紧身裤

3. 管环:torductor 扭矩测量仪 | tore 管环 | torecan 硫乙哌丙嗪

tore 词典解释


tore 单语例句

1. Lakers forward Caron Butler partially tore the tendon in his right pinky in the second quarter.

2. She tore the cartilage in shinbone and has to stop training for a period of time.

3. He reluctantly abandoned running after he tore some cartilage in his knee.

4. Tropical Storm Isidore tore up trees, flooded coastlines and left Cayman Brac island without electricity Thursday as it moved toward Cuba.

5. The designer tore down the second floor to create a high ceiling and made room for giant windows that create light on the sales floor.

6. Spain withdrew troops from Iraq after the Madrid bombings last year which killed 191 people when 10 simultaneous bombs tore through four commuter trains.

7. The embassy strike left a large crater outside the compound and tore off the glass fronts of surrounding office towers.

8. tore的解释

8. The explosion gouged a deep crater into the unpaved road, nearly tore the vehicle in half and flipped it over.

9. The last blast took place in central Damascus Sunday evening, when an explosive device tore through a footbridge in the capital and killed one person.

10. Three explosions tore apart packed underground trains and one peeled the top off a double decker bus Thursday.

tore 英英释义



1. tore的解释

1. commonly the lowest molding at the base of a column

    Synonym: torus