
tori ['tɔ:raɪ]  ['toʊraɪ] 


tori 基本解释


名词花床,圆环面; 花托,花床,圆环面( torus的名词复数 )

tori 网络解释


1. 托莉:她扮演了从希腊神话中取得灵感的政治摄影师伊莎贝尔(Isabel)、从冥后取得灵感,饱受情感创伤,却还抱持理想主义的克莱德(Clyde)、对情欲感受最强烈的桑塔(Santa)、拥有雅典娜女神特质的皮普(Pip),而她自己则是扮演兼具婚姻女神与酒神的角色托莉(Tori).

2. 花床:toreutics 金属细工 | tori 花床 | toric 环形圆纹曲面

3. 特利安农村 玛尔蕾妮:TAS 达斯达港 塔妮亚 赛依拉 | TORI 特利安农村 玛尔蕾妮 | YURI 尤里西斯街

tori 单语例句

1. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

1. Tori and Candy first fell out in 2006 after Tori mocked her mother on her reality TV show'So NoTORIous'.

2. 911查询·英语单词

2. Tori Spelling's mother insists it " killed her " not to attend her granddaughter's first birthday party.

3. Tori Spelling's husband Dean McDermott is in intensive care following a motorbike accident.

4. Results of a medical test are expected Saturday to determine how much Tori's smoking has affected her health.