
torn [tɔ:n]  [tɔ:rn] 









torn 基本解释

动词撕( tear的过去分词); 扯裂; 破损

torn 网络解释

1. 扯破:2002年豆瓣玛法达星座小组往后,Interplay逐渐深陷财政危机中,而开发次世代RPG<<扯破>>(Torn)失败、<<冰风谷Ⅱ>>(Icewind Dale II)销售情况低于预期的黑岛成了平衡收支的牺牲品.

2. (撕裂):2002年情侣姓名配对测试以后,Interplay逐渐深陷财政危机中,而开发次世代RPG<<撕裂>>(Torn)失败、<<冰风谷Ⅱ>>(Icewind Dale II)销售情况低于预定的日期的黑岛成了平衡收支的牺牲品.

3. 破爛:在开始,作者用了这样的一些词:寒冷(cold)、肮脏(lousy)、破烂(torn)、吼叫(barked)、剥落(scraped)、黑暗(dark), 表现主人公的恐惧、愤怒、忧郁和憎恨. 与之相反,在小说结尾,作者用了这样一些词语:柔软(soft)、温暖(hot)、抚慰的(soothy)等等,

4. 心碎:Torn 心碎 | I thought I saw a man 1)brought to life 我以为看见这样一个人复活了, | He came around like he was 3)dignified 看起来那么高贵,

torn 词典解释


2. 犹豫的;举棋不定的
    If you are torn between two or more things, you cannot decide which to choose, and so you feel anxious or troubled.

    e.g. Robb is torn between becoming a doctor and a career in athletics...
    e.g. I know the administration was very torn on this subject.

torn 单语例句

1. But he seems torn between his fears that I'm an undercover reporter and of missing a business opportunity.

2. They are torn by hand and not sliced by knife, and customers thus consider them tastier than ordinary noodles.


3. When their downtown houses are torn down, the only places they can afford are near the suburbs.

4. Doctors removed torn cartilage from his left knee at the Hospital for Special Surgery in New York.

5. torn的翻译

5. Many people picture Ji wearing a broken monk's cap and torn cassock, holding a broken fan.

6. The charter creates the strong presidency that Karzai says is critical to uniting a country torn by almost a quarter century of fighting.

7. AAB experts initially rated the West Wing a Grade 3 building, which can be torn down for commercial development.

8. In an attempt to clean up its tarnished image, the White House said the Abu Ghraib prison near Baghdad will be torn down.

9. torn的反义词

9. Shutters on the building adjacent to the blast were torn off and windows in shops, homes and a bus shattered over the sidewalk and street.

10. Myles reveals a few more colors on her palette while playing Isolde as an impulsive yet intelligent woman torn between duty and passion.

torn 英英释义


1. torn在线翻译

1. having edges that are jagged from injury

    Synonym: lacerate lacerated mangled

2. disrupted by the pull of contrary forces

    e.g. torn between love and hate
           torn by conflicting loyalties
           torn by religious dissensions