
torso [ˈtɔ:səʊ]  [ˈtɔ:rsoʊ] 



torso 基本解释

名词(人体的)躯干; 躯干雕塑像; 未完成的作品; 残缺不全的东西

torso 网络解释


1. 躯干:文章摘要:代表身高170cm、体重65kg的成年男子躯干(Torso)物理模型经CT扫描获取了其断层信息图像,对这些图像进行组织器官分割、剪切、缩放等处理后,建立了含有200多万个大小为2.73rnm 2.73mmm 3mm的体素的三维体素模型.

2. 未完成的(不完整的)作品,残缺不全的东西:flying spot CRT 飞点阴极射线管 | torso 未完成的(不完整的)作品,残缺不全的东西 | brake flange 闸凸缘

3. 上衣:Head-头 | Torso-上衣 | Pants-裤子

4. 軀幹像:覆疊 overlap | 軀幹像 torso | 轉印石版畫 transfer lithograph

torso 词典解释

1. (人体的)躯干
    Your torso is the main part of your body, and does not include your head, arms, and legs.

torso 单语例句


1. Ford was hurt when Nets forward Vince Carter landed on his upper torso scrambling for a loose ball near the end of the first period.

2. Gehry let the landscape dictate his design, with the final twisting torso form giving each apartment distinct views north towards Victoria Harbor.

3. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全

3. Through the headset I saw a grainy image of the dummy's plastic torso.

4. Foil targets only the torso, while epee targets the entire body.

5. Liang believes the torso is the seat of men's lust for sex and food.

6. Nidal Malik Hasan fired off more than 100 rounds Thursday at a soldier processing center before civilian police shot him in the torso.

7. Her head grew abnormally large while her torso, arms and legs were just skin and bones.

8. A guide showing exactly what exercises were required to build up a torso like the Russian leader's.

9. The Frenchman was struck in the torso and was rushed to hospital.

10. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全

10. A woman hits at a rubber torso labeled " domestic violence " to relieve stress at a counseling center in Chongqing.

torso 英英释义



1. torso的反义词

1. the body excluding the head and neck and limbs

    e.g. they moved their arms and legs and bodies

    Synonym: trunk body