touch on

touch on [tʌtʃ ɔn]  [tʌtʃ ɑn] 

touch on 基本解释

碰(某人某处); 与…有关, 涉及

touch on 网络解释

1. 触及:触及身体,这是身体在触及(touch on)自身. 思想触及身体,也是思想触及自身,同时,也是身体触及思想. 思想之为思想,如果以法语来思想,就是思想(pensée)自身的重量(pesée),而这重量即是思想者自身的身体!对身体的思想已经隐含了对身体的触及,

2. 关系到,涉及:throw down推倒 | touch on关系到,涉及 | touch up润色,改进

3. 谈及,提及:to the point 切中要害,切题 | touch on 谈及,提及 | try on 试穿

4. 关系到,涉及到:touch off 开(炮等触发 | touch on 关系到,涉及到 | touch up 润色(图画、文章等)

touch on 单语例句

1. He also said the current proposal will not touch on the cancellation of the functional constituencies and the division voting system.

2. The Touch My Body singer admits she has never been happier since tying the knot with rapper Nick Cannon on April 30.

3. Based on the Mexican drink horchata, the scent has milky notes and a touch of cinnamon.

4. touch on的解释

4. Her small index finger slides on the touch screen to find and click the icon of her favorite picture book.

5. Film projections on the wall gives the cozy lounge an urban touch, as does the long list of cocktail selections.

6. Guan said parties will not touch on the South China Sea issue at the conference as " it's not on the agenda ".

7. She has been in constant touch with relief workers as part of her UN involvement, and even got her hands on photos of a few orphaned kids.

8. You can also add homemade custard before piling on the whipped cream, although I prefer just cream alone for a lighter touch.


9. The Ningbo situation was the touch paper for heated discussion about counterfeit currency on Baidu.

10. touch on

10. But the discussions would also delve into ancient history and touch on sensitive issues in recent Chinese history.

touch on 英英释义

touch on的意思


1. have an effect upon

    e.g. Will the new rules affect me?

    Synonym: affect impact bear upon bear on touch

2. restore by replacing a part or putting together what is torn or broken

    e.g. She repaired her TV set
           Repair my shoes please

    Synonym: repair mend fix bushel doctor furbish up restore

3. touch on的意思

3. refer to or discuss briefly

4. be relevant to

    e.g. There were lots of questions referring to her talk
           My remark pertained to your earlier comments

    Synonym: refer pertain relate concern come to bear on touch have-to doe with