
toughening ['tʌfnɪŋ]  ['tʌfnɪŋ] 






toughening 基本解释
坚韧,坚强,强硬( toughen的现在分词 );
toughening 网络解释

1. 韧化:toughener 增强剂 | toughening 韧化 | toughness 韧性

2. 坚轫化:toughened glass 钢化玻璃 | toughening 坚轫化 | track angle 轨迹角

3. 韧化(处理):toughener增强合金、增强剂 | toughening韧化(处理) | tough fracture韧性断口

4. 韧化,增韧:torsion 扭力,挠曲 | toughening 韧化,增韧 | toughness 韧性

toughening 单语例句

1. toughening的翻译

1. China's monthly inflation rate shot to over 5 percent in July, causing much concern about toughening government action to combat further price rises.

2. toughening的反义词

2. The detentions signaled a further toughening of Iran's dealings with the West, which has become increasingly vocal in its condemnation of a crackdown on opposition supporters.

3. toughening的反义词

3. Banks are toughening terms following $ 678 billion in writedowns and losses, rising funding costs and a jump in companies drawing on lines they'd already negotiated.

4. toughening的意思

4. Voted for building a fence along Mexican border, and toughening requirements that citizens be given preference for jobs over guest workers.

5. The increased diplomatic activity comes amid a toughening Turkish stance on Libya after Ankara's initial criticism of the Western airstrikes targeting Gadhafi's forces.

6. It remains unclear how the announcement will affect those talks, although it clearly reflects a toughening of Iran's stand.

7. Inuring oneself to cold can strengthen the immune system, which Betz compares to athletes toughening themselves up during sports training.

8. Russia lately seems to be toughening up its diplomatic posture as it faces heavy pressure from several fronts.

9. Members of the International Atomic Energy Agency began meetings in Vienna that could set the stage for a toughening of sanctions against Iran.

10. Florida and Maryland passed laws toughening penalties for providing cell phones for inmates.