
toughie [ˈtʌfi]  [ˈtʌfi] 


toughie 基本解释


toughie 网络解释

1. 流氓:toughen 变坚韧 | toughie 流氓 | toughly 坚强地

2. 粗暴的人:toughen /变顽固/锻炼/ | toughie /粗暴的人/ | toughness /韧性/有粘性/强硬/强健/

toughie 双语例句

1. This is a toughie, and there's not much you can do about it at this stage of the technological game.
    这是一个toughie ,有没有什么你能做的事情,在这一阶段的科技游戏。

2. I better warn you, I'm a toughie.


3. This was a toughie, thanks to all the stellar looking games at the show.

4. You can kidnap and torture someone else for that toughie.

5. Gong Li, mainland China's first superstar actress, is a toughie.

6. Brad Miller, for example, is a muscular, powerful player but at the same time, is far from being deemed a toughie by his peers.

7. She turned and asked me a real toughie.

toughie 英英释义



1. a particularly difficult or baffling question or problem

    Synonym: poser stumper sticker

2. an aggressive and violent young criminal

    Synonym: hood hoodlum goon punk thug tough strong-armer