
townspeople [ˈtaʊnzpi:pl]  [ˈtaʊnzˌpipəl] 

townspeople 基本解释

名词市民,镇民,城里人; 市井之流

townspeople 网络解释

1. 市民:township 镇区 | townspeople 市民 | townswoman 城镇的女居民

2. 市民,镇民:townsman 城镇居民 | townswoman 城镇女居民 | townspeople 市民,镇民

3. 市民/镇民/镇内的人:townsman /都市居民/镇民/同城人/ | townspeople /市民/镇民/镇内的人/ | towny /城里的人/

4. 市民; 城里人; 镇民 (名):townsman 镇民, 市民; 同乡人 (名) | townspeople 市民; 城里人; 镇民 (名) | townswoman 城镇女居民; 本镇女居民 (名)

townspeople 词典解释

1. 镇民;市民
    The townspeople of a town or city are the people who live there.

    e.g. Food shortages forced many townspeople into the country to grow their own food.

townspeople 单语例句

1. To honor this pioneer of the use of acupuncture and moxibustion, the townspeople have built the Huazu Buddhist Convent.

2. This Nov 5, it will be the local townspeople carrying flaming barrels of tar through the streets.

3. The freezing weather froze the bags solid, turning them into what townspeople hoped would be a watertight barrier.

4. They are townspeople and have been running all sorts of small services in the small towns now wiped out by the quake.

5. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

5. " He always used to kid around about bringing things to school and hurting kids, " she said at a gas station nearby where students and townspeople gathered.


6. The townspeople came together to build a runway so the pilot could get home, and in so doing inspired the nation.

7. townspeople

7. In Rodriguez's " Planet Terror, " two doctors find their graveyard shift inundated with townspeople ravaged by sores.

8. townspeople的反义词

8. Mohammed recalled how security agents rounded up townspeople of all ages, from 14 to more than 70.

9. townspeople

9. Accused of the murder of a young boy, she was hunted down by vengeful townspeople who cut out her tongue and killed her.

10. Straightforward yet nostalgic townspeople are now asking whether their town will disappear forever.

townspeople 英英释义


1. the people living in a municipality smaller than a city

    e.g. the whole town cheered the team

    Synonym: town townsfolk