
toy [tɔɪ]  [tɔɪ] 







toy 基本解释

名词玩具,玩物; 小装饰品; 无实用价值的东西

不及物动词玩弄; 不认真地考虑

形容词玩具的; 作玩具的; 个头很小的; 小体型品种的

toy 网络解释

1. 富山:北京飞富山飞机票|单程往返特价| 日本机票|北京出港 旅行行程: 北京--- 富山(TOY) 承运航空公司: CA (中国国际航空公司) 出票舱位: 经济仓 机票基价: 单程 1980 往返 2860 机票期限:0--30天 温馨服务:以上价格会随着舱位的

2. 日本罗姆公司:TOS 日本东芝公司 | TOY 日本罗姆公司 | TRA 美国晶体管有限公司

3. 玩具;玩物:town 城镇,城 | toy 玩具,玩物 | track 轨道;田径

toy 词典解释

1. 911查询·英语单词

1. 玩具
    A toy is an object that children play with, for example a doll or a model car.

    e.g. He was really too old for children's toys.
    e.g. ...a toy telephone.

2. 消遣物;小玩意儿
    You can refer to objects that adults use for fun rather than for a serious purpose as toys .

    e.g. Computers have become household toys.

相关词组:toy with

toy 单语例句

1. Hong Kong businessman Peter Lam used to run a toy factory in Dongguan, an important industrial city in neighboring Guangdong province that is a foreign capital magnet.

2. Dongguan is a major base for Chinese toy exporters, but the rising yuan and escalating production costs forced many factories to go bust.

3. Their busy season usually runs from June to October, as big toy companies generally place their Christmas orders months in advance.

4. toy的翻译

4. The results were compared with the food consumed by the same children who were shown ten toy commercials around a cartoon on another occasion.

5. Kang evaded detection for almost two decades by working as a casual laborer in Guangdong and as a painter at a toy factory.

6. The two administrations urged more toy manufacturers to apply for the certificates, adding they would also launch a crackdown on counterfeit certification symbols.

7. Try substituting a toy or chew bone when the puppy tries to chew on fingers or toes.

8. toy的翻译

8. A toy designer surnamed Chi said the ants were placed in a space that simulated their real habitats underground.

9. The owner of five baby meerkats whose mother died in childbirth has given the animals a cuddly toy as a replacement.

10. These included toy giant Mattel's recall of 18 million toys that contained toxic paint and magnets that could cause children to choke.

toy 英英释义



1. any of several breeds of very small dogs kept purely as pets

    Synonym: toy dog

2. toy

2. a copy that reproduces a person or thing in greatly reduced size

    Synonym: miniature

3. an artifact designed to be played with

    Synonym: plaything

4. a device regarded as providing amusement

    e.g. private airplanes are a rich man's toy

5. a nonfunctional replica of something else (frequently used as a modifier)

    e.g. a toy stove


1. engage in an activity as if it were a game rather than take it seriously

    e.g. They played games on their opponents
           play the stock market
           play with her feelings
           toy with an idea

    Synonym: play

2. manipulate manually or in one's mind or imagination

    e.g. She played nervously with her wedding ring
           Don't fiddle with the screws
           He played with the idea of running for the Senate

    Synonym: fiddle diddle play

3. behave carelessly or indifferently

    e.g. Play about with a young girl's affection

    Synonym: dally play flirt