
tract [trækt]  [trækt] 



tract 基本解释

名词大片土地; (神经纤维的)束; 小册子; <古>一段时间,长时间

tract 相关例句


1. He had an infection in the upper respiratory tract.

2. He wrote all the campaign tracts.

3. He owns a large tract of forest.

4. To the north of the river is an immense wooded tract.

tract 网络解释

1. 束:以上数沟将脊髓每侧分成三份,称为索(column),即上行及下行的纤维束(fasciculus)或称传导束(tract)所组成的白质. 前正中裂与前外侧沟之间称为前索(即腹索前、后二外侧沟之间称为外侧索;后外侧沟与后正中沟之间称为后索(即背索).

2. 地带:汉密尔顿将西方与原苏联的经济地域分级作了比较,划分出了六级经济区(economic reglon)地域生产综合体,地带(tract),带(zone),区位(1ocation)和地点(site),其中,前两个概念是从原苏联直接搬到西方的,后四个名词是在翻译中修改调整后介绍到西方的.

3. 神经束:虚无缥缈的意识,亦襄括一种高度专注的, 主动的全神贯注.贯穿所有这些状态的范围以觉醒系统(arousal system)为中介,而所谓觉醒系统,是指由神经束(tract) 构成的一个网线路结构,

tract 词典解释

1. (土地等的)大片
    A tract of land is a very large area of land.

    e.g. A vast tract of land is ready for development...
    e.g. They cleared large tracts of forest for farming, logging and ranching.

2. (宗教、道德或政治的)短文
    A tract is a short article expressing a strong opinion on a religious, moral, or political subject in order to try to influence people's attitudes.

    e.g. She produced a feminist tract, 'Comments on Birth-Control', in 1930.
           她 1930 年写了篇女性主义的短文《论节育》。

3. 道;束
    A tract is a system of organs and tubes in an animal's or person's body that has a particular function, especially the function of processing a substance in the body.

    e.g. Foods are broken down in the digestive tract...
    e.g. A cold is an infection of the upper respiratory tract.

tract 单语例句

1. Measles is an acute infectious respiratory tract disease that is caused by the measles virus.

2. These problems include acute inflammation of the intestinal tract, food poisoning and dysentery.

3. tract的近义词

3. The center's staff have visited the school and advised the management to adopt measures against respiratory tract infections.

4. The government hopes to convert the tract of land to residential use should all bidders withdraw their plans to construct a private university there.

5. tract

5. It can be corrosive and irritates the skin, eyes and the upper respiratory tract.

6. tract什么意思

6. Cranberries and blueberries both help protect against cystitis by stopping harmful bacteria sticking to the urinary tract.

7. tract在线翻译

7. The Centre for Health Protection is investigating an outbreak of upper respiratory tract infection, affecting 21 pupils at a kindergarten cum child care center in Sha Tin.

8. Doctors postponed an operation due to restore part of Sharon's skull after detecting a slight infection in his respiratory tract.

9. The patient simply needs to ingest the intelligent capsule, which will move within the patient's digestive tract via gastrointestinal muscle motility.

10. A dog's digestive tract and metabolism are really no different from ours, so it would be tough to live this way.

tract 英英释义


1. a bundle of myelinated nerve fibers following a path through the brain

    Synonym: nerve pathway nerve tract pathway

2. a system of body parts that together serve some particular purpose

3. a brief treatise on a subject of interest
    published in the form of a booklet

    Synonym: pamphlet

4. an extended area of land

    Synonym: piece of land piece of ground parcel of land parcel