trade balance

trade balance [treid ˈbæləns]  [treid ˈbæləns] 

trade balance 基本解释


trade balance 网络解释

trade balance的近义词

1. 贸易差额:因为贸易差额(trade balance)与贸易盈亏(trade profit or loss)是完全不同的概念,贸易顺差不等于贸易利润. 中美表面双赢的经济互补关系,其实掩盖了双方在贸易权力(trade power)和利益分配上的严重不对称.

2. 贸易余额:其中货物与服务的进出口余额又被称为贸易余额(trade balance),如果一国货物与服务的出口大于进口,这将会给该国带来外汇流入,这种状况被称为贸易顺差,反之则被称为贸易逆差.

3. 贸易收支:Tracker Fund of Hong Kong 香港盈富基金 | Trade balance 贸易收支 | Trade deficit 贸易赤字;贸易逆差

4. 贸易平衡:counter purchase 互购贸易 | trade balance 贸易平衡 | trade by commodities 商品贸易

trade balance 单语例句

1. The EU thinks it has much to gain by striking the right trade balance.

2. He called on the two countries to calmly handle issues concerning economic and trade relations, and seek an effective way to balance trade through equal consultation.

3. China has taken " active " measures to expand US imports to balance bilateral trade, he said.

4. The central government is planning to move away from its policies encouraging exports to achieve a balance in trade.


5. Last year also showed a light surplus in the Venezuelan trade balance with China, reflecting the complementary economies of the two countries.

6. The EU has a considerable adverse balance of trade with China because of the large scale import of consumer goods from China.

7. The total trade volume in imports and exports of mineral products reached US $ 160 billion in 2003 in China with the adverse trade balance growing.

8. 911查询·英语单词

8. China has a credit trade balance with most countries, especially the United States.

9. trade balance

9. Seen from the perspective of trade balance, it is advisable to maintain the renminbi exchange rate at a relatively stable level.

10. US controls on export of technology to China have long been in place, and have remained a big issue affecting the trade balance between the two countries.

trade balance 英英释义

trade balance的近义词


1. the difference in value over a period of time of a country's imports and exports of merchandise

    e.g. a nation's balance of trade is favorable when its exports exceed its imports

    Synonym: balance of trade visible balance trade gap