1. transitions
1. Administrative forces remain crucial for the growth of China's accounting industry as the country is still undergoing economic transitions.
2. For Cyrus, being authentic may be the key to her success as she transitions to adulthood.
3. But the adventurous streak that drove foreigners East may be in the process of being pacified by economic transitions.
4. Powerful economic forces drive the structural evolution and economic diversification that underpin growth, producing transitions that have common elements.
5. Chu's research in polymer physics made use of individual molecules of DNA to study polymer dynamics and phase transitions associated with these dynamics.
6. Our two nations can share the experiences concerning these transitions from economic and social decline to the current success.
7. Officials say it is intended to have an eye to the coming political transitions in both nations.
8. These transitions indicate that the country's militia have embarked on a whole new level of development in terms of standardization and institutionalization.
9. Ocean plant growth increased from 1997 to 1999 as the climate cooled during one of the strongest El Nio to La Nia transitions on record.
10. However, the dramatic social and economic transitions of China brought about unprecedented population mobility.