
traverse [trəˈvɜ:s]  [trəˈvɜ:rs] 









traverse 基本解释

名词穿过; 横贯,横切; 横木; [建]横梁

及物动词通过; 横越,横贯; [法]否认,反驳; [木工]横刨

不及物动词横越; 来回移动; 旋转

形容词横贯的; 横切的

traverse 相关例句


1. I have no intention to traverse that ground in my present lecture.

2. The railway traverses the country.


1. That horse traverses.

2. The gun traverses smoothly.

traverse 网络解释

1. 导线:(2) 导线(Traverse)点计算. 从一个已知点出发,根据输入的导线边边长与方位角,计算前方导线点的坐标. (6) 距离偏差(Dist Offset to a Pt)计算. 根据选定两点所定义的一条直线及输入一个偏置点的点位信息,计算出该偏置点在直线上的垂足,

2. 遍历:想想:我们需要存储所有的输入对记录,有新的对以后,遍历(traverse)它们并判断. 下面是我最初的思路: 1、 保存整数对到数组ipair[m][n](矩阵和图总是有很多的联系),1为连通,0为不同. 2、 接受新的输入对p-q,检查其对应位置ipair[p][q]是否为1,

3. 穿越:封包如何穿越(traverse)过滤核心从 'filter' 表格的三个列表(lists) 开始;这三个列表叫做 firewall chains(防火对於 ASCII 艺术迷来说,各链(chains)的布置如下:一个链(chain)其实就是众多规则(rules)中的一个检查清单(checklist).

4. 穿过:一、包如何穿过(traverse)过滤其中三个圈代表前述的三个链,当一个包抵达上图其中的一个链时,相应的链就会被检验(examined)以决定如何处理这个包. 如果链认为应该丢弃(DROP)这个包,则将该包丢弃;如果链认为应该接受(ACCEPT)该包,

traverse 词典解释

1. traverse的翻译

1. 横穿;横越;穿过
    If someone or something traverses an area of land or water, they go across it.

    e.g. I traversed the narrow pedestrian bridge.
    e.g. …a steep-sided valley traversed by streams.

traverse 单语例句

1. The climbers had registered with the local administration for camping, but changed their minds and chose to traverse a closed route.

2. The entire project will eventually traverse 15 provinces and regions and provide 30 billion cu m of natural gas annually.


3. On his aerial traverse he had identified very occasional dark shadows underscoring the Wall's otherwise faint line.

4. It is a dense city with distinct urban cores, practical and delightful to traverse on foot.

5. traverse的意思

5. In this photo provided by Grand Traverse Resort and Spa, the Saut.

6. Relatives of the mountain climbers reported the case to the local administration on Sunday, saying the tourists were planning to traverse the mountain via an uncertain route.

7. The Min River and Wulong River traverse the city to rush into the East Sea.

8. The basins of big rivers take up nearly 30 percent of China's territory and traverse many different administrative regions.

9. The last month has seen his side traverse the Tasman, the Pacific and their home country for 13 international games.

10. Nearly 30 percent of China's territory is made up of basins of big rivers, which traverse many administrative regions.