
treasuries [t'reʒərɪz]  [t'reʒərɪz] 


treasuries 基本解释
财政部( treasury的名词复数 );国库,金库;
treasuries 网络解释

1. 国库券:根据 Pimco 网站上公布的最新资料,由葛洛斯管理、总资产高达 1926 亿美元的总回报债券基金 (Total Return Fund),上个月持有的美国国库券 (Treasuries)、政府机构债券 (agency debt) 及其他政府相关债券比重,提高至上述比例;同一时间,

2. 国债:随后,黄金、利率、美国国债(Treasuries)和股票指数期货相继出现,衍生品和风险管理的新时代随之诞生. 几天前听到弗老去世消息的一瞬间,我最先想到的就是16年前听他讲过的那一席话. 天下学经济的都知道,弗里德曼最坚持经济理论和学说的高下,

3. 政府债券:政府债券(Treasuries) 政府债券的发行主体是政府. 它是指政府财政部门或其他代理机构为筹集资金,以政府名义发行的债券,主要包括国库券和公债两大类. 一般国库券是由财政部发行,用以弥补财政收支不平衡;公债是指为筹集建设资金而发行的一种债券. 有时也将两者

4. 美国公债:State of the Union address 国情咨文:美国总统每年年初在国会所作的演说,是美国政府的施政纲领. | Treasuries 美国公债 | Window Dressing 粉饰账面,作账

treasuries 单语例句

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1. This is seen as a sign of change from the previous strategy of investing most of foreign exchange reserves in safe US treasuries.

2. But Hu Xiaolian said that the credit risk in continuing to buy US Treasuries is low in overall terms.

3. Treasuries, and any move to sell them could influence bond and currency markets.

4. Many see it as a trend and believe it's time China cut back or even stopped investing in US Treasuries.

5. The FED in turn must print more to stop deflation meaning consumers purchase more Asian goods meaning they have to buy more treasuries.

6. Worries that China could lose its appetite for Treasuries have in turn helped depress US government debt prices.

7. And if these alternative investments look dicey, diversifying out of US treasuries will require diversifying out of dollars.

8. treasuries的解释

8. A large proportion of the country's foreign exchange reserves are invested in US treasuries and notes.

9. It's obvious that whether to add or cut US treasuries depends on a central government's judgment of expectation toward the global financial market.

10. Outspoken Chinese economists have warned that China should stop buying US Treasuries, worrying the US government securities will be more risky due to the nation's deficits.