
treatments ['tri:tmənts]  ['tri:tmənts] 


treatments 基本解释
治疗;疗法;处理( treatment的名词复数 );对待;
treatments 网络解释

1. 处理:T、处理(TREATMENTS)面部和皮肤上的瑕疵应该上美容院,一般来说都能令人满意. U、上(UPPER)唇和下巴周围出现的黑汗毛有碍美观,过密的粗汗毛常常使得脸部都不雅观. 掩饰和清除汗毛的办法很多,其中包括脱色变白、修面剃毛、上蜡、脱毛、电针除毛和拔毛等.

2. 治疗:Difficulty in swallowing .吞咽困难. | Breathing disorder.呼吸障碍. | Treatments 治疗

3. 纺织品加工:Kitchen 厨房用品 | Robes 礼服 | Treatments 纺织品加工

4. 待遇:热处理制度:heat treatments | 待遇:Treatments | 合法:compound treatments

treatments 单语例句


1. Many disapprove of such inhuman treatments, going so far as to call out the actions in an online forum.

2. treatments的近义词

2. Chavez hasn't said what type of cancer is involved nor whether he is receiving chemotherapy, radiation or other treatments.

3. Many dogs that appeared sick and malnourished were sent to animal hospitals across Beijing for treatments against such viruses as canine parvovirus and distemper.

4. Traditional medicine will play a prominent role in the country's new medical system and will comprise half of the new essential medicines catalogue's treatments.

5. treatments

5. He was hospitalized in the first week with a shin injury that continued to bother him despite cortisone injections and acupuncture treatments.

6. TCM treatments like acupuncture help the body achieve a balanced state that enables all organs to operate in a harmonized way.

7. treatments的解释

7. Insurance companies pose another major threat to the legitimacy of the practice, making a distinction between acupuncture treatments and Chinese herbal treatments.

8. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全

8. The municipal government of Shanghai carried out a residence certificate system in 2002, granting migrant labourers some treatments enjoyed by their urban counterparts.

9. Many local and imported cosmetic brands can help women look younger, but many are increasingly turning to traditional treatments that employ less chemical materials.

10. He had undergone several rounds of chemotherapy and radiotherapy treatments and the physicians claimed in March that he was cancer free.