
tremors ['treməz]  ['treməz] 


tremors 基本解释
震颤( tremor的名词复数 );战栗;震颤声;大地的轻微震动;
tremors 网络解释


1. 异形魔怪:<<大怪兽龙卡利>> 怪物/魊/宿主/韩流怪吓/汉江怪物 <<怪兽屋>> 苜蓿地/柯洛弗档案/科洛弗档案 蚊子(Mosquito)一颗陨石落在森林里,放射性污染使蚊蚋突变长成六尺大的巨蚊 异形魔怪(Tremors)1、2、3、4游走、隐藏与地下的未知怪兽

2. 颤动:这里我们重点介绍,近年来在电生理学和电刺激技术的研究领域发展起来的一些有很大潜力的临床应用的新方向,它们已经和正在进入临床实验阶段,如恶性和慢性疼痛控制疗法、强迫性失禁控制疗法、Parkinson和基本颤动(Tremors)控制疗法、电子耳窝

3. 颤抖:6. 子宮內感染---少見,會造成流產,或是胎兒出生後4-6週死亡....狗狗引起顫抖(tremors)的原因有那些...紀錄編號: 51

4. 震动:这些密集观测台网已经和正在给出日本地震和地壳活动重要的新结果, 诸如低频地震,与火山活动无关的震动( tremors) , 强地面运动的传播和放大特征, 日本全国复杂的形变现象以及慢滑动( slow slip )的发生等等.

tremors 单语例句

1. The benchmark Shanghai Composite Index gained for the fourth consecutive day despite market tremors.


2. My father began to count out the seconds on his watch, trying to slow the tremors with some kind of logic.

3. tremors的翻译

3. Hospitals moved quake victims onto lawns, fearing tremors could cause more damage.

4. A distraught mother mourned her " perfect " son on Sunday, after he was killed when his school collapsed during tremors in Yunnan province.

5. Too little dopamine causes increasingly severe tremors and periodically stiff or frozen limbs.

6. The tremors were felt as far away as Malaysia and Singapore, where several buildings were evacuated.

7. tremors

7. He suggested that Beijingers do not worry or get panicked when they experience some noticeable quakes in Beijing or hear about any nearby tremors.

8. In any case, the tremors that continued throughout the day kept us on an edge.

9. The experts from the provincial seismological bureau said a fault in the northern ranges of Qilian Mountains may have caused the massive tremors.

10. Machines that monitor tremors and buoys that sense waves send information to a central agency, which gets it back to the coasts.