
trend [trend]  [trɛnd] 








trend 基本解释

名词趋向; 走向; 时尚,时髦

不及物动词趋势; 倾向

trend 相关词组

1. set the trend : 创立新式样, 推广新风尚, 开始风行;

trend 相关例句



1. Share prices have been trending down.

2. The road trends to the north.


1. The mountains have a western trend.

2. The current trend is towards informal clothing.

trend 网络解释


1. 倾向:最好在确认问题的原因前,先确定误差的类型. 再对系统误差中的漂移(shift)或倾向(trend)分类,可能更有帮助.

2. 流行趋势:2) 流行趋势(trend) 流行的方向及趋势3) 流行的生命周期(fashion life cycle)引进、成长、尖峰、衰退(23天左右,延长生命周期的方式,上新货,上货的频率高了,低折扣的销售周期就会延长.

3. 走向:发表于: 6/15/2009 16:06 发表主题: 加元(CAD) 对美元(USD)近期 升降走向(trend)分析加元(CAD) 对美元(USD)近期 升降走向(trend)分析:本人预计加元(CAD) 对美元(USD)有可能降到: 加元(CAD) 对美元(USD)=0.87

trend 词典解释

1. 趋势;倾向;动向
    A trend is a change or development towards something new or different.

    e.g. This is a growing trend.
    e.g. ...a trend towards part-time employment.

2. 规范;风尚;时尚
    To set a trend means to do something that becomes accepted or fashionable, and that a lot of other people copy.

    e.g. The record has already proved a success and may well start a trend.

trend 单语例句

1. The business climate index is a major measure reflecting the macroeconomic outlook and the trend of future developments.

2. Such statistics can show a rebounding trend in business expansion, said Liu.

3. This trend helps upgrade their business structure and also changed their investment direction.

4. trend在线翻译

4. Apple's success over the past 10 years has demonstrated a new business trend.

5. But international business leaders discovered the global business trend long before Friedman, and put it to good use.

6. The nature of the airline business is to follow that trend and provide people with access to regions where their businesses are growing.

7. 911查询·英语单词

7. The polycarbonates business unit has every intention of following this trend to the west, she said.

8. The summit provided a platform for hundreds of business people to discuss Internet adoption among enterprises as well as the trend of Web use.

9. A recent survey in east China's Jiangsu province showed that improved business environments and huge development potential are the main factors driving the trend.

10. Male cosmetics are a big business in China, so big that Bloomberg recently ran an article about the trend.

trend 英英释义


1. the popular taste at a given time

    e.g. leather is the latest vogue
           he followed current trends
           the 1920s had a style of their own

    Synonym: vogue style

2. a general tendency to change (as of opinion)

    e.g. not openly liberal but that is the trend of the book
           a broad movement of the electorate to the right

    Synonym: drift movement

3. trend

3. general line of orientation

    e.g. the river takes a southern course
           the northeastern trend of the coast

    Synonym: course

4. a general direction in which something tends to move

    e.g. the shoreward tendency of the current
           the trend of the stock market

    Synonym: tendency


1. trend什么意思

1. turn sharply
    change direction abruptly

    e.g. The car cut to the left at the intersection
           The motorbike veered to the right

    Synonym: swerve sheer curve veer slue slew cut