1. 蜂鸟:trochili 蜂雀 | trochilus 蜂鸟 | trochlea 滑车
2. 凹环形线脚 凹圆线:trocheoftoadvenom 蟾酥锭 | trochilus 凹环形线脚 凹圆线 | trochleahumeri 肱骨滑车
3. 鸟类的一种/蜂鸟:trochee /扬抑格/长短格/ | trochilus /鸟类的一种/蜂鸟/ | trochlea /滑车/
1. From the characteristics such as, fairly long and crossed primary-projections, washed eye-stripe, slightly forked tail and rather dark legs, I suspect this warbler could be Willow Warbler Phylloscopus trochilus!
从这些特徵例如:相当长并且相交叉的初级飞羽突出处,淡淡的过眼线,轻微分叉的尾羽及相对暗色的脚,我怀疑这只柳莺是Willow Warbler。我想听听你的评论。