
troublesome [ˈtrʌblsəm]  [ˈtrʌbəlsəm] 

troublesome 基本解释


形容词令人讨厌的; 令人烦恼的; 引起麻烦的; (孩子等)难管的

troublesome 相关例句



1. He is a troublesome child.

troublesome 网络解释


1. 麻烦:不过,该官员也进一步强调,如果是台湾方面片面宣布独立的话,那将一个很麻烦(troublesome)而危险(dangerous)的问题.

2. 烦:不过,该官员也进一步强调,如果是台湾方面片面宣布独立的话,那将一个很麻烦(troublesome)而危险(dangerous)的问题. (乔木)

3. 令人烦恼的:8. 精确的accurate | 9. 令人烦恼的troublesome | 10. 发生、出现occur

troublesome 词典解释

1. 令人烦恼的;令人头疼的;烦人的
    You use troublesome to describe something or someone that causes annoying problems or difficulties.

    e.g. He needed surgery to cure a troublesome back injury...
    e.g. Parents may find that a troublesome teenager becomes unmanageable.

2. (形势、问题等)麻烦的,困难的,棘手的
    A troublesome situation or issue is full of complicated problems or difficulties.

    e.g. The economy has become a troublesome issue for the Conservative Party.

troublesome 单语例句

1. The spacewalks are focused on cleaning and lubricating the troublesome joint and lubricating another joint that is rotating without any problems.

2. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全

2. Families often skip meals to afford clothes and say children's garments are especially troublesome, because they quickly outgrow what they have.

3. 911查询·英语单词

3. In " Old Folks at Home, " they were a combative married couple bedeviled by Lawrence as Burnett's troublesome young sister.

4. The astronauts managed to stop the leak when they plugged the troublesome connector back in.

5. A professional IP counsel or law firm can assist the Chinese company to avoid troublesome situations or defend the company during IP disputes.

6. Maintaining relatively fast growth while curbing inflation has always been troublesome for the Chinese government.

7. Davenport canceled her scheduled practice session Sunday because of a troublesome left foot.


8. McGrady had only eight points and appeared to aggravate his troublesome back late in the first half.

9. " The first step is always the most troublesome, " Huang says.

10. troublesome是什么意思

10. It symbolizes prosperity through fortitude and hard work, and the passage of a particularly troublesome year explains people's love for the animal.

troublesome 英英释义



1. troublesome

1. difficult to deal with

    e.g. a troublesome infection
           a troublesome situation