
trough [trɒf]  [trɔ:f] 



trough 基本解释


名词水槽,食槽; 低谷期; [航]深海漕; [气]低气压槽

trough 反义词


trough 相关例句



1. The business cycle is a series of peaks and troughs.

trough 网络解释


1. 槽:给出一个半圆柱槽(trough)的图形(圆柱沿直径竖着切一半),告诉直径是2,半圆柱的容积是32,求长度. 参考答案:64/Pi

2. 低压槽:第二阶段是,当某些涡流微弱到同时被喷射气流中偶尔出现的低压槽(trough)或洛士贝波(Rossby waves)困住时,反而会合而为一. 因此,捕获、合并的过程不断进行,直到每条涡流带只剩一对涡流为止. 如上图,DE大白斑於1997~1998年时消失,

3. 水槽:然后通过一个通电的水槽(trough),这个水槽的高度设计的正好可以淹没鸡的脖子,使用的电压同样不是为了杀死,而是为了击昏鸡. 过了这道关,生产线就安静多了,乱扑哒的鸡绝大多数都已经被击昏,彻底瘫痪了,肌肉很放松,使后来的脱毛很方便.

trough 词典解释

1. (喂家畜的)饲料槽,饮水槽
    A trough is a long narrow container from which farm animals drink or eat.

    e.g. The old stone cattle trough still sits by the main entrance.

2. (两个大浪之间的)波谷
    A trough is a low area between two big waves on the sea.

    e.g. The boat rolled heavily in the troughs between the waves.

3. (商业活动等的)淡季,低谷
    A trough is a low point in a process that has regular high and low points, for example a period in business when people do not produce as much as usual.

    e.g. Looking back afterwards you will see that this was not a terminal trough in your career...
    e.g. American bank shares have risen by 60% since their trough last October.
           美国的银行股自从去年 10 月跌入低谷以来已经上涨了 60%。

4. 低压槽
    A trough of low pressure is a long narrow area of low air pressure between two areas of higher pressure.

    e.g. The trough of low pressure extended over about 1000 kilometres.
           低压槽延伸约 1,000 公里。

trough 单语例句

1. trough

1. According to Centaline Property Agency Ltd's data, local home prices have swelled 240 percent from the trough level in 2003.

2. And it goes without much disagreement that the world economy would struggle longer than expected in the trough but with China's lead in the recovery.

3. That kind of earthquake pushes up the seafloor and could readily generate a tsunami, but the initial wave would have been a trough as the seafloor dropped downward.

4. The only prominent structure in the small open area is a washbasin that was originally a feed trough for livestock.


5. Only a mother feeding pigs at the foot of the mountain was witty enough to safeguard her two children inside a pig trough.

6. The dollar fell to a record low against the Swiss franc and hit a fresh trough against the euro.

7. Never mind the fact that Japan's exports have remained strong even at the trough of the recession.

8. The only structure of note in this small open area is the wash basin, converted from a feed trough for livestock.

9. trough的近义词

9. If you would like to visit the Terracotta warriors you can by just visiting China Travel and taking a look trough the offered tours.

10. " Domestic demand seems to have hit the trough, " he said.

trough 英英释义



1. a channel along the eaves or on the roof
    collects and carries away rainwater

    Synonym: gutter

2. a container (usually in a barn or stable) from which cattle or horses feed

    Synonym: manger

3. a long narrow shallow receptacle

4. trough的解释

4. a narrow depression (as in the earth or between ocean waves or in the ocean bed)

5. a treasury for government funds

    Synonym: public treasury till

6. a concave shape with an open top

    Synonym: bowl