
truce [tru:s]  [trus] 


truce 基本解释


名词休战; 停战(协定); 停止争辩(的协议); 中止

及物动词以休战结束; 停止争执


truce 相关例句



1. They refused to sign a truce.

2. A truce to nonsense!

3. The hot weather gave the old man a truce from rheumatism.

4. The two armies agreed to a truce.

truce 网络解释

1. 休战:只有近距离集中火力才能将其击毁(好在并不多,只有一、两辆). 最后,应该把敌人消灭在第一仗. 如果你选择和敌人休战(Truce)或撤退(Flee),敌人将会越来越强大;而你则会陷入由于征兵点数和补给都不足(重型坦克和自行火炮都是有限的)的泥潭.

2. 停火:一进入战术地图,我首先提请大家注意在控制条中部的停火(truce)和逃离(Flee). 只要双方同意truce,战斗就嶄时结束,等下个回合再战(continuing battle). 不同于CC3,在CC4中你提出的停火是不可收回的,比如你觉得你毫无胜机,

3. 停火,休战:traffic tie-up 交通瘫痪 | truce 停火,休战 | trustee 董事

4. 休战,停战,休战协议:triumph胜利,凯旋 | truce休战,停战,休战协议 | turn the table转败为胜

truce 词典解释

1. 停战(协定);休战(协定)
    A truce is an agreement between two people or groups of people to stop fighting or quarrelling for a short time.

    e.g. The fighting of recent days has given way to an uneasy truce between the two sides...
    e.g. Let's call a truce.

truce 单语例句

1. Abbas opened talks in Cairo on Tuesday with about a dozen Palestinian militant groups, hoping to persuade them to extend their de facto truce with Israel.

2. You're both flowers of the nation, so call a truce and work together for China.

3. The walls are a patchwork of manifold geometric shapes flashing with varied color schemes that coexist in a seismically shaky truce.

4. Israel said it would consider a halt to fighting if international monitors were brought in to track compliance with any truce.

5. In Gaza, the wave of violence appeared to be cooling after Sunday night's truce announcement.

6. Friday's attack came after the first direct exchange of fire between the rebels and the navy at sea since the truce.

7. truce是什么意思

7. The symbol for the modern Olympic Truce is the dove of peace flying in front of the Olympic flame.

8. Bush and Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice called leaders in the Middle East to press for a durable solution beyond any immediate truce.

9. Tuesday's rocket barrage was the first sign the new Hamas line might spell the end of the truce.

10. truce的反义词

10. Israel says the truce has no expiration date, but its forces have responded to renewed rocket fire with air strikes.

truce 英英释义


1. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

1. a state of peace agreed to between opponents so they can discuss peace terms

    Synonym: armistice cease-fire