
truculent [ˈtrʌkjələnt]  [ˈtrʌkjələnt] 

truculent 基本解释

形容词好斗的; 凶狠的; 致命的; 尖刻的

truculent 网络解释

1. 野蛮的:truculency 野蛮 | truculent 野蛮的 | trudge 跋涉

2. 残暴的:timorous 胆怯的 | truculent残暴的 | virulent恶毒的

3. 残暴的,凶狠的:truce 停战,休战(协定) | truculent 残暴的,凶狠的 | truculence 凶猛,粗暴

4. 残酷的:684. trivial - massive 琐碎的 - 巨大的 | 685. truculent 残酷的 | 697. vacuous - intelligent 愚蠢的 - 有智能的

truculent 词典解释

1. 暴躁的;易怒的;好斗的;尖刻的
    If you say that someone is truculent, you mean that they are bad-tempered and aggressive.

'Your secretary said you'd be wanting a cleaner,' she announced with her usual truculence.
truculent 单语例句

1. Some commentators say the Russian leadership's truculent mood is also reflected in this week's tough message to foreign investors in the huge oil sector.

truculent 英英释义


1. defiantly aggressive

    e.g. a truculent speech against the new government