true north

true north [truː nɔ:θ]  [truː nɔrθ] 

true north 基本解释


true north 网络解释

1. 真北:我愿意借用<<真北>>(True North)一书作者,哈佛商学院管理学教授比尔乔治(Bill George)的观点:太看重第一份工作的薪水有害职业前途. 在比尔乔治教授采访的所有卓越领导者中,没有一位领导者会在职业生涯早期接受一份赚大钱的工作,

2. 正北:Grid Data) 分别有香港方格网及统一横墨卡托方格网10 正北(True North)、磁北(Magnetic North)及方格北(Grid North)11 比例尺(Scale Rule) 方便量两点距离13 图例(Conventional signs) 解释地图内各符号的意义在测量方向的读数时,

3. 真实北向:工厂北向 plant north | 真实北向 true north | 道路 road

true north 单语例句

1. The same is true of Central and South Americans, who are cousins of North Americans and Mexicans.

2. Canadian firm True North Sports and Entertainment bought the club last month and announced it was planning to move the franchise to Winnipeg.

3. " I think it is true that it might be his last outing, " Atkinson said as he arrived for the North American premiere of the movie.

4. " The North wants to know the true intention of Bush's remarks, " the source said.