
trustworthy [ˈtrʌstwɜ:ði]  [ˈtrʌstwɜ:rði] 

trustworthy 基本解释


形容词值得信赖的,可靠的; 把稳; 妥靠; 信实

trustworthy 反义词

形容词deceitful dubious

trustworthy 相关例句



1. He is an experienced and trustworthy guide.

2. A trustworthy person is sb. that you can trust.

trustworthy 网络解释


1. 值得信任:他首先要信任下属. 因为领导掌握更多的资源和话语权,下属相对处于弱势地位. 与此相对应的,在沟通中,他要更加承担责任. 在英文中有两个词汇: Trust and Trustworthy. 如果您想让别人信任你(trust),首先要做个值得信任(trustworthy)的人!

2. 值得信任的:trustful 容易相信人的 | trustworthy 值得信任的 | understanding 理解人的

trustworthy 词典解释

1. 可信赖的;值得信赖的;可靠的
    A trustworthy person is reliable, responsible, and can be trusted completely.

    e.g. He is a trustworthy and level-headed leader.

He wrote a reference for him, describing his reliability and trustworthiness as 'above questioning'.
trustworthy 单语例句

1. And they should be " of an equal caliber and so trustworthy, a person that you would be willing to do business with ".

2. 911查询·英语单词

2. He added that the incoming panel faces many tasks and that none of them will be conquered until a trustworthy property management company is chosen.

3. Cisco has cooperated with CMCC and CCB for years, and is committed to becoming a trustworthy partner to local customers.

4. The former chief secretary was invited to the seminar and she described Tam as a trustworthy candidate who deserved support.

5. People could be distrustful of the government, but certainly we should have trustworthy processes and procedures.

6. Over the years, Zeng said China and the DRC have been trustworthy friends.

7. trustworthy是什么意思

7. China's emergence as a responsible power and trustworthy partner committed to multilateralism and common prosperity has been increasingly recognized in the world today.

8. It said many gunmen were killed while others fled the area, quoting " trustworthy " source as affirming that the airport is empty of war jets and gears.

9. During the first casting session, my first impression was that they were trustworthy.

10. Hence a gentleman or a scholar would always have jade on his person, as proof that he was trustworthy and respectable.

trustworthy 英英释义



1. taking responsibility for one's conduct and obligations

    e.g. trustworthy public servants

2. worthy of trust or belief

    e.g. a trustworthy report
           an experienced and trustworthy traveling companion

    Synonym: trusty