名词(动植物的)膜皮; 束腰宽松外衣; 一套制服的短上衣; (天主教主教等穿的)短祭袍
1. 长袍:然后离家前往药店,路上我忽然想起我的长袍(Tunic)和森黛尔勋章(Sendll'medallion)还在布洛普的小姐的私人博物馆里(MissBloop'sprivatemuseum),j于是顺路便去了那里, 布洛普小姐在得知我的来意后,告诉我保存我衣物的密封罐的开关在二楼,
2. 束腰外衣:罗马人的服装与希腊人的非常类似,没有内裤,束腰外衣(tunic)是男女老幼、贫富贵贱的基本装束. 束腰外衣很简单,就是前后俩块方形的羊毛布,在肩部缝上,腰上系根带子,肩膀两侧的布下垂,就形成袖子,有些人会缝上长袖.
3. 被囊:海鞘(Sea squirts)属于脊索动物门、尾索动物(Urochordata)亚门, 体外被有一层被囊(Tunic),又称为被囊动物(Tunicata),雌雄同体、异体受精,是一群相当容易观察的无脊椎动物;但因为幼期尾部仍具有 脊索与背神经管的构造,
4. 束腰套:Tailored 西式套装 | Tunic 束腰套 | Vested 有马夹套装
1. 无袖上衣
A tunic is a sleeveless garment that is worn on the top part of your body.
1. tunic什么意思
1. A photo of a yak with tassels on its head led to a wool seersucker tunic with a colorful circular print.
2. If you want your tights can take the spotlight, pair them with a tunic.
3. tunic的反义词
3. A dress shape that can be worked in a myriad of ways is the silk tunic.
4. In the cartoon Bush was wearing a tunic bearing the word " Iraq, " his other key problem.
5. Middleton's dress was designed by Sarah Burton and William wore the scarlet tunic of an Irish Guards officer.
1. any of a variety of loose fitting cloaks extending to the hips or knees
2. an enveloping or covering membrane or layer of body tissue
Synonym: tunica adventitia