turn a deaf ear to

turn a deaf ear to [tə:n ə def iə tu:]  [tɚn e dɛf ɪr tu] 

turn a deaf ear to 基本解释

听而不闻; 置若罔闻,装没听到; 掩耳不闻; 付诸罔闻

turn a deaf ear to 相关例句



1. She turned a deaf ear to the boy's calls from down the street.

2. The shepherd boy turned a deaf ear to the wolf warnings.

3. His father turned a deaf ear to his requests to borrow the new car.

turn a deaf ear to 网络解释

1. 置若罔闻:turn a blind eye to 熟视无睹 | turn a deaf ear to 置若罔闻 | turn about 反复思考

2. 对...充耳不闻:92 板着脸 pull a long face | 93 对...充耳不闻 turn a deaf ear to | 94 被开除 be dismissed from school

3. 对...置若罔闻,不听:turn to sb for help 求助于 | turn a deaf ear to对...置若罔闻,不听 | turn a blind eye to对 ...视而不见

turn a deaf ear to 单语例句

1. The tweets will find investigative journalists and prosecutors, unless they deliberately turn a deaf ear to the outcry on the social media.

2. But he cautioned that China cannot turn a deaf ear to US demands despite its determination to defend the stability of the yuan.

3. turn a deaf ear to在线翻译

3. It is that they have chosen to turn a blind eye and deaf ear to the problems they should have made efforts to solve.

4. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

4. Passengers feel obliged to accept when asked personally, while they can turn a deaf ear to the anonymous voice in the subway.

5. But Israel cannot and should not turn a deaf ear to the international community in making a decision.

6. Chen said that government officials " should not turn a deaf ear to farmers'requests ".

7. Lazy leaders tend to turn a blind eye and deaf ear to the concerns of residents.

8. " We can not turn a deaf ear, " Wen said to the gathered assembly.