turn right

turn right [tə:n rait]  [tɚn raɪt] 

turn right 基本解释
turn right 网络解释

1. 右转:车体缓慢向前滑行至人行道前一条车道的宽度处停住,避让对面方向的直行车和右转车,等完全安全后加速左转 左转进最左车道,若从第二左转专用车道入弯时,左转进左数第二条车道 右转(Turn Right) 离信号灯30米处打右转信号灯,

2. 向右转:● 向左开火(Strafe Left) 自己定义● 向右开火(Straf Right) 自己定义● 向左转(Turn Left) 玩家可以用这个键来向左转,不管 是在地面或是水中● 向右转(Turn Right) 玩家可以用这个键来向右转,不管 是在地面或是水中.

turn right 单语例句

1. turn right

1. Best to call us if you want to go there, because it's easy to miss the last turn down the right alley.

2. Right before a festival or ceremonial occasion such as a wedding or a funeral, local women will without a doubt turn their thoughts to preparing dough flowers.

3. danci.911chaxun.com

3. But a slight turn to the right was possible and engineers feared additional rain could swamp the city's levees.

4. turn right的反义词

4. Laws and regulations are generally adequate - except the incomprehensible freedom to take the right turn even when the traffic light is red.

5. turn right的解释

5. Walk along the main path and turn right when you come across a huge bengal tree.

6. It is the first restaurant you find when you turn right at the first crossroad.

7. Obama said the main thrust of his massive budget proposal is moving the nation in the right direction to turn around the ailing economy.

8. Right after cribbing about China's air quality, they turn to attack China's policy toward ethnic groups.

9. Austin Jackson singled and when Infante took a wide turn at second, right fielder Nick Swisher threw behind him.

10. turn right

10. They will fly to the right, before taking a sharp turn and flying toward the endpoint.