1. 匝数:因此本论文应用磁场导向控制(FOC)架构,第四章是详述磁场导向控制(FOC)应用与软硬体实现,并以实测数据设计新型的碟型表面永磁式同步电动机(DSPMSM)之前,必须先要掌Ns:各相绕组匝数 (turns)磁场相互作用所产生的劳伦兹力(Lorentz Force)之外,
2. 圈数:摘要: AT表示安培(Ampere)-圈数(Turns),它是表示干簧管磁灵敏度的标准单位. AT值的测量是将干簧管放在一个标准线圈的中心,然后通入逐渐增大的电流. 当电流增大到某个值时,线圈产生的磁场使干簧管闭合.
3. 手动车床:turnroundquickly 快速转动 | turns 手动车床 | turns-insulating 匝间绝缘
4. (她使我厌烦. ):17.Would?you?care?for[喜欢]?a?cop?of?coffee?(要杯咖啡吗?) | 18.She?turns?me?off.(她使我厌烦. ) | 19.So?far?so?good.(目前为止,一切都好. )
1. The government has been trying to slow the economy to prevent its boom from becoming a speculative bubble that turns to a bust.
2. Now the entire process of buying and selling the land by universities with the aid of local governments turns out to be a speculative business.
3. Languidly tropical by day, the Venezuelan capital's climate turns brisk after sundown.
4. turns的意思
4. A boat usually carries three divers, and they work underwater by turns.
5. When having dinner together, they stand treat by turns or go Dutch.
6. turns是什么意思
6. The two sides will take the management role by turns every two years.
7. This seeming hodgepodge by Zhu Jingyi turns out to be marvelous art now on display at the Room With a View gallery in Shanghai.
8. Tufa is easy to crush by hand, but turns hard as it ages and is known as travertine.
9. Halle has previously admitted she is desperate to have a baby by the time she turns 40 - which is next month.
10. This has been shown by the twists and turns in the relations between Japan and its neighbors in the decades after the war.