
turtledove [dʌv]  [dʌv] 

turtledove 基本解释

名词雉鸠; 斑鸠,情人; 深灰至赤灰色

turtledove 网络解释


1. 鸠:取 '亲爱'意思的则有darling, dear, deary, dearie, love, beloved, truelove等. 班鸠(turtledove)以雌雄相爱著名,所以turtledove也成为情侣的称呼. ...

2. 斑鸠/情人:turtleback /龟甲/龟甲甲板/ | turtledove /斑鸠/情人/ | turtleneck /套领/套领毛衣/

3. 斑鸠, 情人 (名):turret 小塔, 炮塔, 塔楼 (名) | turreted 有角塔的; 塔状的 (形) | turtledove 斑鸠, 情人 (名)

turtledove 单语例句

1. Chen said she would not touch the turtledove eggs or drive the bird away.

2. turtledove的翻译

2. A turtledove that had built its nest on her balcony several weeks ago had laid four eggs.

turtledove 英英释义



1. turtledove的翻译

1. any of several Old World wild doves

2. small Australian dove

    Synonym: Australian turtledove Stictopelia cuneata