
tusks [tʌsks]  [tʌsks] 



tusks 基本解释
獠牙;长牙( tusk的名词复数 );尖形物;尖头;
tusks 网络解释

1. 墙面牙石:tusk 长牙 | tusks 墙面牙石 | tusktenon 长牙榫 加劲凸榫

tusks 单语例句

1. On the fourth floor you hear religious music and find yourself standing under two enormous tusks hanging high from the ceiling of the fifth floor.

2. tusks的近义词

2. Seized elephant tusks are displayed by customs authorities in Hong Kong in October.

3. The factory has also developed a way of engraving on rotted tusks.

4. Poachers target especially rhinos and elephants for their tusks and skins, which fetch a lot of money in the black market particularly in Asia.

5. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

5. " I felt peace of my mind polishing these tusks, " Zeng told a critic.

6. tusks

6. Sacrificial rites were very important in the ancient kingdom and involved the use of an astonishing amount of gold ware and elephant tusks.

7. " We found two of 20 do not have tusks, " Zhang said.

8. He rides magical elephants with six tusks on its quest to spread Buddhism.

9. If there were orders placed for tusks by Chinese workers, what about the people who took the orders?

10. Sometimes we spotted something lovely on display in some shops, which looked like it was made from tusks.