
tut [tʌt]  [tʌt] 







tut 基本解释




tut 相关例句



1. Tut! I've got some chalk on my coat.

tut 网络解释


1. 嘘:tussore 柞蚕 | tut 嘘 | tut-tut 嘘声

2. 图特林根县:SIG 锡格马林根县 | TUT 图特林根县 | WT 瓦尔茨胡特县

3. 咄:hullo 喂,你好! | tut 咄! | hush 嘘!

4. 埃及手:Strutting 一格一格的动作 像DVD快转那种 | Tut 埃及手 | Shadow Boxing skeet rabbit的style

tut 词典解释

1. (书面语中表示反对、厌烦、同情等的)咂嘴声,啧啧声
    Tut is used in writing to represent the sound that you make with your tongue touching the top of your mouth when you want to indicate disapproval, annoyance, or sympathy.

2. (表示反对、厌烦、同情等时)发啧啧声,咂嘴
    If you tut, you make a sound with your tongue touching the top of your mouth when you want to indicate disapproval, annoyance, or sympathy.

    e.g. He tutted and shook his head.

tut 单语例句

1. The chariot was one of several found by archeologist Howard Carter when he discovered King Tut's tomb in 1922.

2. The CT scan also provided the most revealing insight yet into Tut's life.

3. Archaeologists hoped the first tomb discovered in the Valley of the Kings in 80 years would hold the mummy of King Tut's mother.

4. But Hawass said he fears a more recent phenomenon - mass tourism - is further deteriorating Tut's mummy.

5. The unveiling of Tut's mummy comes amid a resurgence in the frenzy over the boy king.

6. A new replica of King Tut's mummy is also on view.

7. The reconstructions will be part of the exhibit of Tut artifacts that is coming to Los Angeles on June 16.

8. Light up in a bar and people don't tut and move away.

9. tut的翻译

9. The results of Tut's scans will be revealed next week, he said.

tut 英英释义


1. tut什么意思

1. utter `tsk,' `tut,' or `tut-tut,' as in disapproval

    Synonym: tsk tut-tut