
twinge [twɪndʒ]  [twɪndʒ] 


twinge 基本解释

名词刺痛; 阵痛; 一阵思绪(通常指不快的); 痛苦


twinge 相关例句



1. I feel a twinge in my back now and again.

2. This gave me more than a twinge of uneasiness.

twinge 网络解释


1. 刺痛:twingbudding 短枝芽接 | twinge 刺痛 | twinghabit 蔓草类型

2. 阵痛:retch 恶心 | twinge阵痛 | abscess脓肿

3. 剌痛:twin pregnancy 双胚性妊娠 | twinge 剌痛 | twisted intestine 肠扭转

4. 抽(痛):抽搐(痛)tic | 抽(痛) twinge | 锐(痛),急(痛) sharp

twinge 词典解释

1. (通常指不快的)一阵强烈情感
    A twinge is a sudden sharp feeling or emotion, usually an unpleasant one.

    e.g. I would have twinges of guilt occasionally…
    e.g. For a moment, Arnold felt a twinge of sympathy for Mr Wilson.

2. 911查询·英语单词

2. (一阵)剧痛,刺痛
    A twinge is a sudden sharp pain.

    e.g. He felt a slight twinge in his damaged hamstring.
    e.g. …the occasional twinge of indigestion.

twinge 单语例句

1. twinge的近义词

1. One can't help but feel a twinge of jealousy toward those lucky Citibank employees having Ye Shanghai as their staff canteen.

2. Now she does not usually have pain although sometimes if she lifts something heavy, she feels a twinge so knows to be more careful.


3. Pacman floored Mosley in round three - the challenger's first knockdown for nine years - but quickly felt a twinge in his left leg.

4. twinge

4. He even expressed a momentary twinge of regret at not being an Englishman when he won at Silverstone in front of cheering crowds last month.


5. Surely he had more than a twinge of jealously when she got back with John Mayer.

6. Robinho ended training early on Saturday after suffering a twinge in his right thigh.

twinge 英英释义



1. a sharp stab of pain

2. a sudden sharp feeling

    e.g. pangs of regret
           she felt a stab of excitement
           twinges of conscience

    Synonym: pang stab


1. squeeze tightly between the fingers

    e.g. He pinched her behind
           She squeezed the bottle

    Synonym: pinch squeeze tweet nip twitch

2. twinge什么意思

2. feel a sudden sharp, local pain

3. twinge的翻译

3. cause a stinging pain

    e.g. The needle pricked his skin

    Synonym: prick sting