
twinkling [ˈtwɪŋklɪŋ]  [ˈtwɪŋklɪŋ] 






twinkling 基本解释


名词闪烁; 眨眼间; 诙谐的闪光; 一刹那


动词闪烁( twinkle的现在分词 ); (眼睛)闪亮; (经光照耀而)闪闪发光; (舞蹈者的双脚)轻快地移动

twinkling 网络解释


1. 闪烁的:twinkle 闪烁 | twinkling 闪烁的 | twinned 成双成对

2. 闪光,闪烁:twinkling 闪光,闪烁 | twist pitch 扭矩 | twisted wire 绞合线

3. 闪烁:曙暮光弧 twilight bow | 闪烁 twinkling | 扭绞磁场 twisted magnetic field

4. 瞬息:twinkler 闪光体 | twinkling 瞬息 | twinklingstars 闪烁星

twinkling 单语例句

1. The crystal ice branches, silver twinkling rime and clear water in the Yalu River constituted the tranquil wonderland scenery.

2. With a stick in his hand and a bag hanging upon his arm, he had eyes twinkling like stars and graceful beard as white as silver.

3. twinkling的翻译

3. The romance created by the twinkling lights attracts many lovers to take photos under the tree to mark the moment.

4. Korean specialty dessert samples will be available at the twinkling romantic scene.

5. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全

5. On one of the most bitterly cold days in Beijing, his eyes were twinkling with a warm smile.

6. The dining room is a large open space decked sleekly in black and white with latticed walls and twinkling decorations.

twinkling 英英释义



1. a very short time (as the time it takes the eye to blink or the heart to beat)

    e.g. if I had the chance I'd do it in a flash

    Synonym: blink of an eye flash heartbeat instant jiffy split second trice wink New York minute