
tyke [taɪk]  [taɪk] 


tyke 基本解释

名词小孩; <英方>野狗; 乡下佬; 粗鲁的家伙

tyke 网络解释


1. 野狗:tycoon 企业界巨头 | tyke 野狗 | tymbal 铜鼓

2. 劣犬:tycoonmagnet 巨头 | tyke 劣犬 | tyler 泰勒架空索系

3. 小孩子:cereal 麦片 | tyke 小孩子 | chortle 嘟哝了一句

tyke 双语例句

1. When do I get to see that little tyke?

2. When do I get to see the little tyke?

3. I tell you that one stork dropped the little tyke off in a diaper.

4. Eg When do I get to see the little tyke?

5. A group of Australian words such as abo (aborigine) or tyke (Catholic) display a degree of intolerance (Leonard Santorelli)


6. And it is a very scary tyke actually that transform yourself from somebody who would be blind to somebody who would be sighted.

7. But with his parents now separated, it was double the celebration for the tyke, who spent the day before enjoying a party with dad Orlando Bloom at his New York home along with a bevy of little pals.


8. For your Pollicle dog is a dour Yorkshire tyke.

9. " Little tyke wants his money's worth, just like his father.'Atta boy, Dudley!" He ruffled Dudley's hair.


10. Little tyke fell asleep as we were flying over Bristol.

11. Tyke look what she's done, the little tyke!


12. Holding an empty ribbon and bowl in his hands, a skinny tyke is starving to death.

13. I will let you be on the sand beach, and let tyke bite you.


14. Case in point: Our favorite rocket tyke sports a windbreaker and slacks (good-bye red undies and go-go boots), but his original powers (x-ray vision and turbo butt) remain unchanged.

tyke 词典解释

1. 911查询·英语单词

1. 小家伙;(尤指)小淘气,调皮鬼
    You can refer to a child, especially a naughty or playful one, as a tyke when you want to show affection for them.

tyke 英英释义



1. a young person of either sex

    e.g. she writes books for children
           they're just kids
           `tiddler' is a British term for youngster

    Synonym: child kid youngster minor shaver nipper small fry tiddler tike fry nestling

2. a crude uncouth ill-bred person lacking culture or refinement

    Synonym: peasant barbarian boor churl Goth tike