type up

type up [taip ʌp]  [taɪp ʌp] 

type up 基本解释
type up 网络解释


1. 打成定稿:type metal 活字金属 | type up 打成定稿 | type wheel 活字轮

type up 单语例句

1. One only has to type the first and last letter of a word, and a list of words will pop up to choose from.

2. Overseas study showed that up to 53 percent of western patients with coronary heart disease have type D personality.

3. Consumers who can't cough up the cash to buy the toys they want can now lease them from a new type of business.

4. Of course, cases of this type will continue to crop up if we don't learn from them.

5. It was up to me to design classes that would bring them past the type of information and English they found in textbooks.

6. type up的近义词

6. This will allow enterprises more freedom in where they can operate their businesses, how they allocate their shares and the number and type of businesses set up.

7. The pharmacists group called on medical authorities to step up regulation of products of this type.

8. That's when you type your own name into an Internet search engine and see what comes up.

9. They also reformed musical instruments and set up a band of stringed and woodwind instruments to play for this new singing type.

10. type up

10. Type " holding umbrella " in a Chinese search engine and you'll come up with a slew of illustrations.