
typography [taɪˈpɒgrəfi]  [taɪˈpɑ:grəfi] 

typography 基本解释



typography 网络解释

1. 字體學:字体学(Typography)是有关字体的创造和选择的学问,当然也涉及到什么是字体. 传统上,字体学一直是一门非常专业的技艺,需要非常昂贵的设备和非常丰富的技术经验. 设计师以前是没法改变字形效果的,但应用电脑进行设计时,就可以随心所欲了.

2. 字體設計:具有字体设计(Typography)及彩色感觉;6. 具有包括游戏的多种应用 UI 使用经验;7. 具有坚持细部设计的耐心与坚持不懈的工作作风;8. 具有有效的工作态度和领导能力;9. 具有HCI领域的经验优先创意设计室可用性(Usablity)专家1名

3. 文字設計:视觉传达设计专业在近年来专业基础教学主要考虑四个课程群之间的关系,即文字设计(Typography)、信息设计(Information Design)、品牌设计(Branding Design)和互动设计(Interactive Design)四个课程群,

typography 词典解释

1. 印刷版面式样;排版式样;印刷格式
    Typography is the way in which written material is arranged and prepared for printing.

typography 单语例句

1. danci.911cha.com

1. The new China Daily style uses sophisticated typography that combines styles of classicism and modernism in the font world.

2. He guided its design from the stone that inspired its " Black Rock " nickname to the typography of the elevator numerals.

typography 英英释义


1. the craft of composing type and printing from it

2. typography的反义词

2. art and technique of printing with movable type

    Synonym: composition