
ullage ['ʌlɪdʒ]  ['ʌlɪdʒ] 

ullage 基本解释


名词漏损; 不足量,损耗; 罐空; 途耗

ullage 网络解释

1. 未盛满酒的罐(桶):Stabilization:稳定性 | Ullage:未盛满酒的罐(桶) | Headspace:顶空

2. 缺量:ulegyria 瘢痕性脑回 | ullage 缺量 | ulna 尺骨

3. 容器内液面以上的空间:ullage tape 储罐空高计量卷尺 | ullage 容器内液面以上的空间 | ullaging 测空高量油

4. 膨胀余位:ullage 空部容积 | ullage 膨胀余位 | ullage 损耗膨胀余位

ullage 单语例句

1. danci.911cha.com

1. He marked every bottle with a wax pencil with the date, price and source as well as the ullage level.

ullage 英英释义



1. the amount that a container (as a wine bottle or tank) lacks of being full