
unattractive [ˌʌnəˈtræktɪv]  [ˌʌnəˈtræktɪv] 

unattractive 基本解释


形容词不吸引人的; 丑陋的; 无吸引力的; 枯燥的

unattractive 网络解释


1. 不美的:unattended 没人照顾的 | unattractive 不美的 | unauthentic 不可靠的

2. 没有诱惑力的,不能吸引人的:boring 令人厌倦的 | unattractive 没有诱惑力的,不能吸引人的 | tasteless (淡而)无味的,没有味道的

3. 无魅力的/乏味的/不美的:unattracly /不引人注意/ | unattractive /无魅力的/乏味的/不美的/ | unauthentic /来路不明/

4. 无魅力的:Hideously 讨厌的 | Unattractive 无魅力的 | put on 穿戴,增加

unattractive 词典解释

1. 不漂亮的;难看的;不吸引人的
    Unattractive people and things are unpleasant in appearance.

    e.g. I'm 27, have a nice flat, a good job and I'm not unattractive.
    e.g. ...an unattractive shade of orange.

2. 无吸引力的;不受欢迎的
    If you describe something as unattractive, you mean that people do not like it and do not want to be involved with it.

    e.g. The market is still unattractive to many insurers...
    e.g. It is not an unattractive option to make programmes for other companies.

unattractive 单语例句

1. unattractive的翻译

1. Unreasonably low salaries seriously limit the buying power of the grassroots population, make jobs unattractive to the younger generation and lead to higher unemployment among youth.

2. We regard convertible bond valuations as neutral, neither attractive nor unattractive at present.

3. unattractive是什么意思

3. Judge David Radford described Doherty's criminal record as " unattractive ".

4. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

4. In addition, a new Monkey King with an eagle nose and green fur seems unattractive to audience.

5. For a while I wondered if physically unattractive women get any breaks at all.

6. unattractive什么意思

6. Falling rental yield makes " purchasing properties for rent " increasingly unattractive as an investment option.

7. danci.911chaxun.com

7. Freeman said the second risk is that the EU will become an increasingly unattractive and risky location for Chinese investment.

8. unattractive什么意思

8. Believing his girl to be extremely pretty, Zhao cooks up delicious meals everyday hoping she could gain weight and become unattractive.

9. unattractive

9. What's good for the ugly goose is also good for the unattractive gander.

10. unattractive的反义词

10. Some others urged her to get cosmetic surgery since it's difficult to alter people's bad habits towards unattractive women.

unattractive 英英释义



1. lacking beauty or charm

    e.g. as unattractive as most mining regions

2. lacking power to arouse interest

    e.g. being unemployed is a most unattractive prospect

3. unattractive什么意思

3. not appealing to the senses

    e.g. untempting food

    Synonym: untempting