
unbroken [ʌnˈbrəʊkən]  [ʌnˈbroʊkən] 

unbroken 基本解释


形容词连续的; 未破损的; (土地)未破土的; (马等)未驯服的

unbroken 词典解释

1. 连续不断的;未被打断的;完整的;未破损的
    If something is unbroken, it is continuous or complete and has not been interrupted or broken.

    e.g. ...an unbroken run of 38 match wins...
    e.g. We've had ten days of almost unbroken sunshine...

unbroken 单语例句

1. The Iraqis countered with a military communique of their own - nothing like Bush's assessment - reporting an unbroken string of successes.

2. In a historic election last summer, they managed to oust the Liberal Democrats from five decades of nearly unbroken rule.

3. 911查询·英语单词

3. Optimists are hoping for that triangle to emerge unbroken from the talks, but opinions vary on its likely shape.

4. Tuesday's loss broke the Cuban team's run of unbroken wins in the competition.

5. An opposition victory would end half a century of almost unbroken rule by the conservative LDP.

6. unbroken的意思

6. Hatoyama's victory ends more than 50 years of nearly unbroken rule by Aso's Liberal Democratic Party.

unbroken 英英释义



1. not broken
    whole and intact
    in one piece

    e.g. fortunately the other lens is unbroken

2. (especially of promises or contracts) not violated or disregarded

    e.g. unbroken promises
           promises kept

    Synonym: kept

3. unbroken的近义词

3. marked by continuous or uninterrupted extension in space or time or sequence

    e.g. cars in an unbroken procession
           the unbroken quiet of the afternoon

4. unbroken

4. (of farmland) not plowed

    e.g. unplowed fields
           unbroken land

    Synonym: unplowed unploughed

5. unbroken的解释

5. not subdued or trained for service or use

    e.g. unbroken colts