
unceasing [ʌnˈsi:sɪŋ]  [ʌnˈsisɪŋ] 

unceasing 基本解释


unceasing 网络解释


1. 永不停息的:123. brittle 易碎的 | 124. unceasing 永不停息的 | 125. climatic 顶点的,高潮的

2. 不断的:uncaused 非外因引颇 | unceasing 不断的 | unceasingly 继续地

3. 不停的:uncased 未罩外壳的 | unceasing 不停的 | uncertain winds 变向风

4. 不绝的/不断:uncaused /独立自存的/自存的/ | unceasing /不绝的/不断/ | unceasingly /不绝地/不断地/

unceasing 词典解释

1. 911查询·英语单词

1. 不停的;持续的;连续不断的
    If you describe something as unceasing, you are emphasizing that it continues without stopping.

    e.g. ...the unceasing quest for more speed.
    e.g. ...his unceasing labours.

Paul talked unceasingly from dawn to dusk.
unceasing 单语例句

1. unceasing的近义词

1. Sandstorms used to be front page stories in China's newspapers in the spring, with unceasing efforts to fight this scourge.

2. Israel's indignation towards the past unceasing suicide attacks by Palestinian militants against its civilians are completely understandable.

3. China's Olympic gold medallist Liu Xiang can't wait to unfold his training schedule, after having been trapped in unceasing ceremonies and activities for about one month.

4. Only by relying on the grassroots officers and men wholeheartedly can we develop their creativity and get unceasing motivity.

5. This unceasing price appreciation has naturally raised concerns about a real estate bubble.

6. unceasing

6. Although the technologies are not perfect, unceasing efforts on the part of the union and other organizations have greatly minimized casualties.

unceasing 英英释义


1. uninterrupted in time and indefinitely long continuing

    e.g. the ceaseless thunder of surf
           in constant pain
           night and day we live with the incessant noise of the city
           the never-ending search for happiness
           the perpetual struggle to maintain standards in a democracy
           man's unceasing warfare with drought and isolation
           unremitting demands of hunger

    Synonym: ceaseless constant incessant never-ending perpetual unremitting

2. unceasing

2. continuing forever or indefinitely

    e.g. the ageless themes of love and revenge
           eternal truths
           life everlasting
           hell's perpetual fires
           the unending bliss of heaven

    Synonym: ageless aeonian eonian eternal everlasting perpetual unending