
uncertainty [ʌnˈsɜ:tnti]  [ʌnˈsɜ:rtnti] 


uncertainty 基本解释


名词无把握,不确定; 不可靠; 不确实知道,半信半疑; 无把握、不确定的事物

uncertainty 相关例句



1. Do what you can and don't worry about uncertainties.

2. John was depressed by the uncertainty of his position and duty.

uncertainty 网络解释

1. 不定性:风险(risk)和不定性(uncertainty)现象无处不在,在日常生活中对两者没有特别的区分,但在经济学上两者存在一定差异. 奈特(1921)最早对风险和不确定性进行了区分,认为如果经济单位对所面临的事件的结果不能够以具体概率值表示,

uncertainty 词典解释

1. uncertainty

1. 不确定;犹疑
    Uncertainty is a state of doubt about the future or about what is the right thing to do.

    e.g. ...a period of political uncertainty.
    e.g. ...the uncertainties of life on the West Coast.

uncertainty 单语例句

1. At the same time, it adds uncertainty and risks to company's business operation.

2. They will have to contend with lack of capital, tight credit conditions and uncertainty around company and asset valuations.

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3. Some companies such as LG Electronics are introducing new products to capture market share during a time of uncertainty.

4. The investors have started to escape markets to stay in cash, showing their fears of uncertainty.

5. Economics teaches us that when there is huge uncertainty over about catastrophic risks, it is dangerous to rely too much on the price mechanism to get incentives right.

6. Half a decade later, there's a little bit of good news and a lot of uncertainty.

7. The uncertainty of variables such as change in the monetary policy and control over the real estate market is rather strong.

8. Similar to the uncertainty that shrouded his illness, there is a lack of clarity about who is entitled to the records.

9. But scientists warn that climatic uncertainty now threatens to turn the grasslands through which they trek into a desert.

10. Rare vintage jewels are increasingly popular investments to protect against rising inflation and economic uncertainty, and Art Deco designs are commanding the most attention from collectors.

uncertainty 英英释义



1. uncertainty是什么意思

1. being unsettled or in doubt or dependent on chance

    e.g. the uncertainty of the outcome
           the precariousness of his income

    Synonym: uncertainness precariousness

2. the state of being unsure of something

    Synonym: doubt incertitude dubiety doubtfulness dubiousness