
uncivil [ˌʌnˈsɪvl]  [ʌnˈsɪvəl] 

uncivil 基本解释


uncivil 反义词



uncivil 网络解释

1. 粗野的:uncircumcision 未受割礼 | uncivil 粗野的 | uncivilized 未开化的

2. 不文明的:uncertainty relation 否定关系 | uncivil 不文明的 | uncivilized 未开化的

3. 粗野的 不文明的:Uncivil粗野的 不文明的 | civil engineering土木工程(学) | be civil to对...有礼貌

4. 无礼貌的/失礼的/粗野的/不文明的:uncircumcision /未受割礼/无割礼/异邦人/ | uncivil /无礼貌的/失礼的/粗野的/不文明的/ | uncivilized /未开化的/不文明的/

uncivil 单语例句

1. Culture Minister Sandro Bondi said the show was another " degrading and uncivil " attempt to smear Berlusconi.

2. We should not regard drying clothes in the air as an uncivil behavior.

3. uncivil

3. City managers worry these uncivil behaviors will also bring shame to the capital or even to the nation if exposed to foreigners in 2008.

4. " Uncivil behaviors online are the'virtual version'of immoral behavior in reality, " said Kong.

5. The habit is regarded as uncivil and one that should be banned.