1. 未堕落的:uncorrected 未修正的 | uncorrupted 未堕落的 | uncorruptible 难收买的
2. 未腐败的:uncorrupted 未堕落的 | uncorrupted 未腐败的 | uncorruptible 难使堕落的
3. 未被收买的:uncorroded 未受腐蚀的 | uncorrupted 未被收买的 | uncorrupted 未堕落的
4. 清廉/未腐败的/未堕落的/未被收买的:uncorroded /未受腐蚀的/ | uncorrupted /清廉/未腐败的/未堕落的/未被收买的/ | uncorruptible /难使腐败的/难使堕落的/难收买的/
1. uncorrupted什么意思
1. His dead body was put in a vat for three years yet remained uncorrupted.
2. Although there is a long way to go in forging an uncorrupted government, its determination and the public's supervision can prompt stricter control of government spending.
3. He also emphasized that members of the standing committee must always be honest and remain uncorrupted.