
undercurrent [ˈʌndəkʌrənt]  [ˈʌndərkɜ:rənt] 



undercurrent 基本解释


名词潜流,暗流; 潜在的感情、影响或倾向(尤指与表面相反的); [电]电流不足; [矿]分支洗金槽

undercurrent 网络解释

1. 潜流:[简介]潜流(UNDERCURRENT) 自从那个头疼的清晨以来一晃已是半个月过去,岳凌的生活模式又回到了原来的轨迹,有关那场雨的记忆仿佛从未在她脑中驻留过,她每天依旧上班,[简介]潜流(UNDERCURRENT) 自从那个头疼的清晨以来一晃已是半个月过去,

2. 潜流; 底流:under nitrogen blanket在氮气层之下 | undercurrent潜流;底流 | underflow地下水流;冰下水流

3. 底流下层流:undamped wave 无阻尼波 | undercurrent 底流下层流 | underdamping 欠阻尼

undercurrent 词典解释

1. (情感的)潜流,暗流
    If there is an undercurrent of a feeling, you are hardly aware of the feeling, but it influences the way you think or behave.

    e.g. ...a deep undercurrent of racism in British society.

2. (水流的)潜流;暗流
    An undercurrent is a strong current of water that is moving below the surface current and in a different direction to it.

    e.g. Colin tried to swim after him but the strong undercurrent swept them apart.

undercurrent 单语例句

1. danci.911chaxun.com

1. But a recent spat over German claims over property seized in World War Two has exposed undercurrent distrust and sensitivities on both sides.

2. But economic nationalism is a strong undercurrent in China, making little distinction between companies of different characteristics.

3. Strolling across Sheep Meadow you hear a pastoral piano theme with an undercurrent of electronic arpeggios.

4. undercurrent

4. While government statistics demonstrate that the US economy is humming along, public opinion polls show that there is an undercurrent of dissatisfaction.

5. Beneath the humor there runs a tragic undercurrent of abuse and abandonment.

6. They are willful, proud and calm with an electrifying undercurrent of seething intensity.

7. However, behind it is an undercurrent of " forced volunteerism ".

8. undercurrent的反义词

8. But in the past decade it has been an undercurrent of urban culture.

undercurrent 英英释义


1. undercurrent的意思

1. a subdued emotional quality underlying an utterance
    implicit meaning

    Synonym: undertone

2. a current below the surface of a fluid

    Synonym: undertide