
undetermined ['ʌndɪ'tɜ:mɪnd]  [ˌʌndɪ'tɜ:mɪnd] 

undetermined 基本解释



undetermined 网络解释


1. 未定:当一个本地变量( local variable)被声明时,它的值默认为未定(undetermined). 但你可能希望在声明变量的同时赋给它一个具体的值. 要想达到这个目的,需要对变量进行初始化. C++中有两种初始化方法:另外一种变量初始化的方法,

2. 未定的:triangular mesh 三角形网格 | undetermined 未定的 | uniform refinement 均匀加密

3. 未定语种:Umbundu 莱都(姆崩杜语) | Undetermined 未定语种 | Urdu 印度斯坦回教所通用之一种语言(乌尔都语)

4. 未确定的:undetected 未被发现的 | undetermined 未确定的 | undeveloped 不发达的

undetermined 单语例句

1. undetermined的意思

1. The routes of transmission of the remaining 29 cases were undetermined due to inadequate data.

2. The routes of transmission of the remaining 47 cases were yet undetermined due to inadequate information.

3. The exact number of casualties remained undetermined as reports on the death toll varied.

4. The Shanwei municipal health bureau diagnosed Zhang's disease as pneumonia of undetermined origin on Friday, a bureau official said.

5. The routes of transmission of the remaining 30 cases were as yet undetermined due to inadequate information.

6. Mudslides blocked numerous roads and forced an undetermined number of residents to evacuate condominiums, apartments and houses in Seattle and its surroundings.

7. The status of scheduled flights to London tonight is undetermined following latest information made available about UK air traffic.

8. However, the German share of financial rescue package for Greece remains undetermined.

9. He said it was difficult to determine from radar images, but there were probably two Russian bombers of an undetermined type.

10. undetermined的反义词

10. Sending presidents across the ocean to spend capital and time on an undetermined outcome is unusual.

undetermined 英英释义



1. undetermined在线翻译

1. not precisely determined or established
    not fixed or known in advance

    e.g. of indeterminate age
           a zillion is a large indeterminate number
           an indeterminate point of law
           the influence of environment is indeterminate
           an indeterminate future

    Synonym: indeterminate

2. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

2. not yet having been ascertained or determined

    e.g. of undetermined species

3. not brought to a conclusion
    subject to further thought

    e.g. an open question
           our position on this bill is still undecided
           our lawsuit is still undetermined

    Synonym: open undecided unresolved