
unexploited ['ʌnɪks'plɔɪtɪd]  [ˌʌnɪk'splɔɪtɪd] 

unexploited 基本解释
unexploited 网络解释


1. 未开采的:unexplained 未解释的 | unexploited 未开采的 | unexplored region 未勘探地区

2. 未开发的:underfund 对. . . 提供资金不足 | unexploited 未开发的 | vitality 活力

3. 未加利用的/开发的:go about one's business 着手自己的事情 | unexploited 未加利用的/开发的 | lotion 化妆水,......露

4. 为开发的:vitality 活力 | unexploited 为开发的 | energy-intensive 能源密集型的

unexploited 单语例句

1. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全

1. Despite of its diversity, many mineral resources in Dehong remain unexploited.

2. unexploited的反义词

2. Carbon markets have reached a volume of US $ 30 billion this year, but their potential remains largely unexploited.

3. unexploited的翻译

3. The World Tourism Organization has called this spot " the most beautiful unexploited beach in Hainan ".

unexploited 英英释义



1. undeveloped or unused

    e.g. vast unexploited (or undeveloped) natural resources
           taxes on undeveloped lots are low

    Synonym: undeveloped