
ungrateful [ʌnˈgreɪtfl]  [ʌnˈɡretfəl] 

ungrateful 基本解释

形容词忘恩负义的; 不领情的; 不感激的; 讨厌的

ungrateful 同义词


ungrateful 反义词



ungrateful 相关例句


1. He sounded ungrateful.

ungrateful 网络解释


1. 忘恩负义:) 信教的人认为对上帝能够感恩,对人也自然不会忘恩负义(ungrateful). 林肯总统在一一一年前,受了女编辑Mrs.S.J.Hale的影响,规定每年十一月的最后一个星期四是感恩节,到了一九三九年台北罗斯福路指的那位罗斯福总统为了经济繁荣,

2. 不领情的:understanding 理解人的 | ungrateful 不领情的 | unselfish 无私的

3. 忘恩负义的:ungovernable 难抑制的 | ungrateful 忘恩负义的 | ungrounded 无基础的

4. 不知感恩的/徒劳的:unhappy不快乐的/不幸福的/不幸的 | ungrateful不知感恩的/徒劳的 | unusual不寻常的/独特的

ungrateful 词典解释

1. 不感激的;不领情的;忘恩负义的
    If you describe someone as ungrateful, you are criticizing them for not showing thanks or for being unkind to someone who has helped them or done them a favour.

    e.g. I thought it was rather ungrateful...
    e.g. You ungrateful brat.

ungrateful 单语例句

1. The scheme worked but now the poor pusses were being teased and tormented by those ungrateful little primates.

2. Zhang then asked the court to annul the adoption and order his ungrateful kids to repay the money he had spent bringing them up.

3. To them, it seems as if the biggest beneficiaries are simply ungrateful.

4. Society should not be so ungrateful when we are declaring once and once again that we'll never forget the history.

5. ungrateful

5. " They are a bunch of ungrateful bandits, " Correa said of the protesters after they set upon him.

6. Some are suicidal, others want to kill the'ungrateful man'in their lives.

7. I am the ungrateful child digging out the graves of his ancestors and I am proud of being such a child.

8. ungrateful什么意思

8. And ungrateful citizens who accuse their saviors must be punished with civil and even criminal liabilities once they are proven to have lied.