
uninvited [ˌʌnɪnˈvaɪtɪd]  [ˌʌnɪnˈvaɪtɪd] 

uninvited 基本解释


uninvited 网络解释


1. 不速之客:诸般奖项各有所属 近年当红的艾拉妮丝莫莉塞特(Alanis Moriste),则以<<天使恋城>>(City Of Angels)主题曲<<不速之客>>(Uninvited)获颁最佳摇滚歌曲和最佳摇滚女歌手,令她在最近3年赢得的格莱美奖多达7项.

2. 未被邀请的:uninterruptedly 不间断地 | uninvited 未被邀请的 | uninviting 不动人的

3. 不请自来:18 Miss you finally想念你 | 01 Uninvited不请自来 | 02 Memory回忆

4. 未被邀请:07. More 更多 | 08. Uninvited 未被邀请 | 09. The Raven 乌鸦

uninvited 词典解释

1. 未经邀请的;不请自到的;未经要求的
    If someone does something or goes somewhere uninvited, they do it or go there without being asked, often when their action or presence is not wanted.

    e.g. He came uninvited to one of Stein's parties.
    e.g. ...a hundred invited guests and many more who were uninvited.

uninvited 单语例句

1. uninvited

1. The uninvited birds soon settled down on the farm and got along well with the resident geese.

2. danci.911cha.com

2. Only those who provoke a dog or invade its home territory uninvited are at risk.

3. uninvited的反义词

3. The growing problem of uninvited SMS spam has created a negative perception of mobile advertising in China.

4. He declined to reveal too much information for fear of riots by uninvited guests.

5. The capital's uninvited and those in other parts of China and the world have to compromise with watching the celebrations on TV.

6. uninvited的反义词

6. One of the uninvited strangers at his house turned out to be the restaurant's landlord, surnamed Huang.

7. Then there is always the doubting discussion and uninvited concern with their atypical lifestyles.

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8. But the seasonal hazard will probably always be an uninvited guest without the public's conscientious participation in the country's green storm.

uninvited 英英释义


1. unwelcome and unwanted

    e.g. uninvited guests
           uninvited thoughts