
unit [ˈju:nɪt]  [ˈjunɪt] 


unit 基本解释


名词装置; 单位,单元; 个体; [数]单位数

unit 相关例句


1. The family is a social unit.

2. There is something wrong with the power unit of my computer.

3. We regard husband and wife as the primary units of the family.

4. I'm thinking of buying a hi-fi unit.

5. The hour is a unit of time.

unit 情景对话


A:Is this your standard price ?

B:Yes ,it is .

A:It seems too high to me.

B:We can negotiate the unit price for large orders .

unit 网络解释

1. 装置:除电电极可与放电装置(unit)交换. 5. 依电极一体型吹风管(blowpipe)形成的离子吹管,可获得大范围的除电区域. 由於有丰富的萤幕(monitor)显示机能,因此,可尽早发觉异常.

2. 设备:以及无讯框(UNFRAME)DSL DSL 回 (Loop)同步正常局端设备(STU-C)之显示用户端设备(STU-R)之显示5.2.1.1 设备 (Unit) 选定画面5.2.1.2 资 终端系统(DTE) 画面资 终端系统(DTE) 画面有三个选项,

3. unit:universal numerical interchange terminal; 通用数字交换终端

4. unit:u; 装置;部件;单元

unit 词典解释

1. 单位;整体
    If you consider something as a unit, you consider it as a single, complete thing.

    e.g. Agriculture was based in the past on the family as a unit.

2. (工作)班组,部门
    A unit is a group of people who work together at a specific job, often in a particular place.

    e.g. ...the health services research unit...
    e.g. The results from this unit are staggering.

3. (武装部队或警察机关的)小队,分队
    A unit is a group within an armed force or police force, whose members fight or work together or carry out a particular task.

    e.g. One secret military unit tried to contaminate the drinking water of the refugees...
    e.g. Two small Marine units have been trapped inside the city for the last 36 hours.

4. (常为更大机器一部分的)装置,设备,部件
    A unit is a small machine which has a particular function, often part of a larger machine.

    e.g. The unit plugs into any TV set.

5. (计量)单位
    A unit of measurement is a fixed standard quantity, length, or weight that is used for measuring things. The litre, the centimetre, and the ounce are all units.

6. unit

6. (课本)单元
    A unit is one of the parts that a textbook is divided into.

unit 单语例句

1. The change in the shareholding structure will enable SCNB to work more closely with Siemens'mobile business unit in China.

2. unit

2. The polycarbonates business unit has every intention of following this trend to the west, she said.

3. 911查询·英语单词

3. If customers buy the unit outright, another 10 percent discount would be available.

4. The record unit price and the mystery surrounding the buyer's identity have caused some questions about the circumstances of the apartment sale.

5. The regiment has been cited as " first class military training unit " by the air force of the Shenyang Military Area Command for four consecutive years.

6. Japan also avoids mentioning germ warfare Unit 731 although China refers to it by name.

7. It also plans to decrease unit GDP carbon intensity and increase productivity by increasing the share of clean energy in its energy mix.

8. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

8. China has set a bold target to trim the energy consumption per unit of gross domestic product by 20 percent by 2010.

9. Carbon intensity is the amount of carbon by weight emitted per unit of energy consumed.

10. Lehman didn't name potential bidders for the unit in a statement or conference call with investors on Wednesday.

unit 英英释义


1. unit在线翻译

1. an assemblage of parts that is regarded as a single entity

    e.g. how big is that part compared to the whole?
           the team is a unit

    Synonym: whole

2. a single undivided whole

    e.g. an idea is not a unit that can be moved from one brain to another

3. an organization regarded as part of a larger social group

    e.g. the coach said the offensive unit did a good job
           after the battle the soldier had trouble rejoining his unit

    Synonym: social unit

4. danci.911cha.com

4. a single undivided natural thing occurring in the composition of something else

    e.g. units of nucleic acids

    Synonym: building block

5. any division of quantity accepted as a standard of measurement or exchange

    e.g. the dollar is the United States unit of currency
           a unit of wheat is a bushel
           change per unit volume

    Synonym: unit of measurement

6. unit的翻译

6. an individual or group or structure or other entity regarded as a structural or functional constituent of a whole

    e.g. the reduced the number of units and installations
           the word is a basic linguistic unit